Numbers 35:25-28 mentions the death of a high priest. Each new high priest had to come from the lineage of Aaron. Listed here are the ones whose stories are told elsewhere in the Bible.
Moses’ brother and first priest
Watched two of his brothers die in a fire from God because they did not follow God’s instructions. He obeyed God and became chief leader of the Tabernacle.
Executed a young Israelite idol worshiper and his Midianite mistress to end a plague. He was then promised that his priestly line would never end.
A priest during King Saul’s reign
A faithful high priest under King David. He and Nathan anointed Solomon as the next king.
2 Samuel 8:17 1 Kings 1:38, 39
Carried the message of Absalom’s death to King David but was apparently afraid to tell about it.
High priest under King Solomon
High priest under Uzziah. He rebuked the king for burning incense himself.
When Hezekiah became king, he reopened the Temple. Azariah again served as high priest.
King Jehoshaphat appointed him to judge religious disputes.
Found the Book of the Law during Josiah’s reign
2 Kings 22:3-13 2 Chronicles 34:14-21
Probably one of the first to return to Israel from Babylon
The father of Ezra