Proverbs Charts


Proverbs 10:8

Good teaching comes from good learning—and Proverbs has more to say to students than to teachers. Proverbs is concerned with the learning of wisdom. The book makes it clear that there are no good alternatives to learning wisdom. We are either becoming wise learners or refusing to learn and becoming foolish failures. Proverbs encourages us to make the right choice.

Wise Learners: Gladly accept instruction

Foolish Failures: Ignore instruction

10:8; 23:12

Wise Learners: Love discipline

Foolish Failures: Hate correction


Wise Learners: Listen to advice

Foolish Failures: Think they need no advice

12:15; 21:11; 24:6

Wise Learners: Accept parents’ discipline

Foolish Failures: Mock parents


Wise Learners: Are on the pathway to life

Foolish Failures: Will go astray


Wise Learners: Will be honored

Foolish Failures: End in proverty and disgrace


Wise Learners: Profit from constructive criticism

Foolish Failures: Harm themselves by refusing criticism

15:31, 32; 29:1

Advice to Teachers: Help people avoid traps (13:14), use pleasant words (16:21), and speak wise words at the right time (15:23; 18:20).