Galatians Charts


Galatians 1:11-12

Marks of a false gospel Marks of the true gospel
Treats Christ’s death as meaningless (2:21) Teaches that the source of the gospel is God (1:11, 12)
Says people must obey the law in order to be saved (3:12) Knows that life is obtained through death; we trust in the Son of God who loved us and died for us so that we might die to sin and live for him (2:20)
Tries to find favor with God by observing certain rituals (4:10) Explains that all believers have the Holy Spirit through faith (3:14)
Counts on keeping laws to be right with God (5:4) Declares that we cannot be saved by keeping laws; the only way of salvation is through faith in Christ, which is available to all (3:21, 22)
Says that all believers are one in Christ, so there is no basis for discrimination of any kind (3:26-28)
Proclaims that we are free from the grip of sin and that the Holy Spirit’s power fills and guides us (5:24, 25)