Hebrews Charts


Hebrews 8:3-12; 9:1-28

Like pointing out the similarities and differences between the photograph of a person and the actual person, the writer of Hebrews shows the connection between the old Mosaic covenant and the new Messianic covenant. He proves that the old covenant was a shadow of the real Christ.

Hebrews 8:3, 4

The Old Covenant under Moses: Gifts and sacrifices by those guilty of sin

The New Covenant in Christ: Self-sacrifice by the guiltless Christ

Application: Christ died for you

Hebrews 8:5, 6, 10-12

The Old Covenant under Moses: Focused on a physical building where one goes to worship

The New Covenant in Christ: Focuses on the reign of Christ in believers’ hearts

Application: God is directly involved in your life

Hebrews 8:5, 6, 10-12

The Old Covenant under Moses: A shadow

The New Covenant in Christ: A reality

Application: Not temporal, but eternal

Hebrews 8:6

The Old Covenant under Moses: Limited promises

The New Covenant in Christ: Limitless promises

Application: We can trust God’s promises to us

Hebrews 8:8, 9

The Old Covenant under Moses: Failed agreement by people

The New Covenant in Christ: Faithful agreement by Christ

Application: Christ has kept the agreement where people couldn’t

Hebrews 9:1

The Old Covenant under Moses: External standards and rules

The New Covenant in Christ: Internal standards—a new heart

Application: God sees both actions and motives—we are accountable to God, not rules

Hebrews 9:7

The Old Covenant under Moses: Limited access to God

The New Covenant in Christ: Unlimited access to God

Application: God is personally available

Hebrews 9:9, 10

The Old Covenant under Moses: Legal cleansing

The New Covenant in Christ: Personal cleansing

Application: God’s cleansing is complete

Hebrews 9:11-14, 24-28

The Old Covenant under Moses: Continual sacrifice

The New Covenant in Christ: Conclusive sacrifice

Application: Christ’s sacrifice was perfect and final

Hebrews 9:22

The Old Covenant under Moses: Forgiveness earned

The New Covenant in Christ: Forgiveness freely given

Application: We have true and complete forgiveness

Hebrews 9:24-28

The Old Covenant under Moses: Repeated yearly

The New Covenant in Christ: Completed by Christ’s death

Application: Christ’s death can be applied to our sin

Hebrews 9:26

The Old Covenant under Moses: Available to some

The New Covenant in Christ: Available to all

Application: Available to you