Appearances of God
At the foot of Mount Sinai, God appeared to the people of Israel in a physical form. This is called a theophany. Here are some of the other times God appeared to Bible people.
Verse | Theophany |
Genesis 16:7 | The angel of the Lord appeared to Sarah’s servant, Hagar, announcing the birth of Abraham’s son Ishmael |
Genesis 18:1-11 | The Lord appeared to Abraham, foretelling Isaac’s birth |
Genesis 22:11, 12 | The angel of the Lord stopped Abraham from sacrificing Isaac |
Exodus 3:2 | The angel of the Lord appeared to Moses as a blazing fire in a bush |
Exodus 14:19 | The angel of God appeared to Israel in pillars of cloud and fire to guide them through the wilderness |
Exodus 33:11 | The Lord spoke to Moses face-to-face |
Daniel 3:25 | One “like the Son of God” appeared as the fourth man with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace |
(“Angel of the Lord” is a reverential way to refer to God.)