When we think of the success of the early church, we often think of the work of the apostles. But the church could have died if it hadn’t been for the unsung heroes, the men and women who through some small but committed act moved the church forward.
After his healing, he praised God. As the crowds gathered to see what happened, Peter used the opportunity to tell many about Jesus.
Everyone has heard of Stephen, and many know of Philip, but there were five other men chosen to be deacons. They not only laid the foundation for service in the church, but their hard work also gave the apostles the time they needed to preach the gospel.
He had the responsibility of being the first to demonstrate Christ’s love to Saul (Paul) after his conversion.
His example showed Peter that the gospel was for all people, Jews and Gentiles.
Her persistence brought Peter inside Mary’s home, where he would be safe.
He took command of the Jerusalem council and had the courage and discernment to help form a decision that would affect literally millions of Christians over many generations.
She opened her home to Paul, from which he led many to Christ and founded a church in Philippi.
He risked his life for the gospel by allowing Paul to stay in his home. He stood up for what was true and right, even though he faced persecution for it.
He saved Paul’s life by telling officials of a murder plot.
He spared Paul when the other soldiers wanted to kill him.