Judges Charts


Judges 2:11-13

Worshiping God Worshiping Idols
Long-range benefits Short-range benefits
Gratification postponed Self-gratification immediate
Morality required Sensuality approved
High ethical standards demanded Low ethical standards tolerated
Neighbors’ sins disapproved Neighbors’ sins approved
Unseen God worshiped Visible idols worshiped
Unselfishness expected Selfishness condoned
Business relations hindered Business relations improved
Strict religious practices maintained Religious practices loosely regulated
Changed life demanded Changed life not demanded
Ethical stand expected Compromise and cooperation practiced
Concern for others taught No concern for others expected

The temptation to follow false gods because of short-term benefits, good feelings, easy “rules,” or convenience was always present. But the benefits were deceptive because the gods were false. We worship God because he is the one and only true God.