The wise and the foolish are often contrasted in Proverbs. The characteristics, reputation, and results of each are worth knowing if wisdom is our goal.
The Wise: Give encouragement
The Foolish: Lack common sense
The Wise: Enjoy living wisely
The Foolish: Enjoy foolishness
The Wise: Consider their steps
The Foolish: Gullible
The Foolish: Avoid the wise
The Wise: Hungry for knowledge
The Foolish: Feed on the trash of foolishness
The Wise: Value wisdom above riches
The Wise: Respond to correction
The Foolish: Do not respond to punishment
The Wise: Pursue wisdom
The Foolish: Pursue illusive dreams
The Foolish: Blame failure on God
The Wise: Profit from correction
The Foolish: An example to others
The Foolish: Proud and arrogant
The Foolish: Despise wise advice
The Foolish: Make truth useless
The Foolish: Repeat their folly
The Wise: Trust in wisdom
The Foolish: Trust in themselves
The Wise: Control their anger
The Foolish: Unleash their anger
The Wise: Crowned with knowledge
The Foolish: Clothed with foolishness
The Foolish: Cause quarrels
The Foolish: Receive no honor
The Wise: Calm anger
The Foolish: Stir up anger
The Wise: Stay on right paths
The Foolish: Enjoy the wrong paths
The Foolish: Lash out when discovered in folly
The Foolish: Endangered by their words
The Wise: Their wisdom conquers others’ strength
The Wise: Avoid wicked paths
The Foolish: Walk a treacherous road
The Wise: Grow stronger
The Foolish: Will never be chosen as leaders
The Foolish: Must be guided by hardship
The Foolish: Persist in foolishness