Dr. Bruce B. Barton
Ronald A. Beers
Dr. James C. Galvin
LaVonne Neff
Linda Chaffee Taylor
David R. Veerman
Ronald A. Beers
Philip W. Comfort
Mark R. Norton
Robert K. Brown
Virginia Muir
Del Lankford
Leanne Roberts
David R. Veerman
Dr. James C. Galvin
Dr. Bruce B. Barton
Linda Chaffee Taylor
Dr. Barry Beitzel
Neil S. Wilson
Ronald A. Beers
David R. Veerman
Pamela York
James A. Swanson
Mark R. Norton
Neil S. Wilson
Dr. Bruce B. Barton
Ronald A. Beers
Dr. James C. Galvin
David R. Veerman
Timothy R. Botts
Jacqueline Noe
Dr. David Maas
Dr. Kenneth S. Kantzer (deceased)
General Theological Reviewer
Dean Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of Bible and Systematic Theology
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Dr. V. Gilbert Beers
President of Scripture Press Ministries
Dr. Barry Beitzel
Associate Academic Dean and Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Dr. Edwin A. Blum
Associate Professor of Historical Theology
Dallas Theological Seminary
Dr. Geoffrey W. Bromiley
Fuller Theological Seminary
Dr. George K. Brushaber
Bethel College & Seminary
Dr. L. Russ Bush
Associate Professor
Philosophy & Religion
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
C. Donald Cole
Pastor, Moody Radio Network
Mrs. Naomi E. Cole
Speaker & Seminar Leader
Dr. Walter A. Elwell
Wheaton College Graduate School
Dr. Gerald F. Hawthorne
Professor Emeritus of Greek
Wheaton College
Dr. Howard G. Hendricks
Center for Christian Leadership
Dallas Theological Seminary
Dr. Grant R. Osborne
Professor of New Testament
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
A special thanks to the nationwide staff of Youth for Christ/USA for their suggestions and field testing, and to the following additional contributing writers: V. Gilbert Beers, Neil Wilson, John Crosby, Joan Young, Jack Crabtree, Philip Craven, Bob Black, Bur Shilling, Arthur Deyo, Annie Lafrentz, Danny Sartin, William Hanawalt, William Bonikowsky, Brian Rathbun, Pamela Barden, Thomas Stobie, Robert Arnold, Greg Monaco, Larry Dunn, Lynn Ziegenfuss, Mitzie Barton, Mari-jean Hamilton, Larry Kreider, Gary Dausey, William Roland, Kathy Howell, Philip Steffeck, James Coleman, Marty Grasley, O’Ann Steere, Julia Amstutz.
A special thanks also to the following people whose personal counsel, encouragement, and determination helped make this product a reality:
Dr. Kenneth N. Taylor (deceased)
Translator of The Living Bible
Chairman of the Board
Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Mark D. Taylor
Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Dr. Wendell C. Hawley
Retired Senior Vice President Editorial
Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Virginia Muir
Retired Assistant Editor-in-Chief
Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Richard R. Wynn
President and CEO of
Emerging Young Leaders
Dr. Jay L. Kesler
President, Taylor University