Genesis 40 Study Notes

40:1-3 The butler and the baker were two of the most trusted men in Pharaoh’s kingdom. The baker was in charge of making the Pharaoh’s food, and the butler tasted all of Pharaoh’s food and drink before giving it to him, in case any of it was contaminated or poisoned. These trusted men must have been suspected of a serious wrong, perhaps of conspiring against Pharaoh. Later the butler was released and the baker executed.

40:8 When the subject of dreams came up, Joseph focused everyone’s attention on God. Rather than using the situation to make himself look good, he turned it into a powerful witness for the Lord. One secret of effective witnessing is to recognize opportunities to relate God to the other person’s experience. When the opportunity arises, we must have the courage to speak, as Joseph did.

40:23 When Pharaoh’s butler was freed from prison, he forgot about Joseph. Two full years passed before Joseph had another opportunity to be freed (41:1). Yet Joseph’s faith was deep, and he would be ready when the next chance came. When we feel passed by, overlooked, or forgotten, we shouldn’t be surprised that people are often ungrateful. In similar situations, we should trust God as Joseph did. More opportunities may be waiting.