33:11 God and Moses talked face-to-face in the Tabernacle, just as friends do. Why did Moses find such favor with God? It certainly was not because he was perfect, gifted, or powerful. Rather, it was because God chose Moses, and Moses in turn relied wholeheartedly on God’s wisdom and direction. Friendship with God was a true privilege for Moses, out of reach for the other Hebrews. But it is not out of reach for us today. Jesus called his disciples—and, by extension, all of his followers—his friends (John 15:15). He has called you to be his friend. Will you accept his invitation to openly communicate with him? He desires this kind of relationship with you.
33:11 Joshua, Moses’ aide, did not leave the Tabernacle, probably because he was guarding it. No doubt there were curious people who would have dared to go inside.
33:18-23 Moses wanted to see God’s glory. He wanted assurance of God’s presence with him, Aaron, and Joshua, and also he desired to know that presence experientially. Because we are finite and morally imperfect, we cannot exist and see God as he is. To see God’s “back parts” means we can only see where God has passed by. We can only know him by what he does and how he acts. We cannot comprehend God as he really is apart from Jesus Christ (John 14:9). Jesus promised to show himself to those who love him (John 14:21).