5:1ff Dagon was the chief god of the Philistines, who they believed sent rain and assured a bountiful harvest. But the Philistines, like most of their pagan neighbors, worshiped many gods. The more gods they could have on their side, the more secure they felt. That was why they wanted the Ark, thinking that if it helped the Israelites, it could help them, too. But when the people living nearby began to get sick and die, the Philistines realized that the Ark was not a good omen. It was a source of greater power than they had ever seen—power they could not control.
5:6, 7 Although the Philistines had just witnessed a great victory by Israel’s God over their god, Dagon, they didn’t act upon that insight until they were afflicted with emerods (possibly bubonic plague). Similarly, today many people don’t respond to biblical truth until they experience pain. Are you willing to listen to God for truth’s sake, or do you turn to him only when you are hurting?
5:7 The Philistines thought they had defeated God because they had beaten Israel and captured the Ark. They soon learned that no one defeats God. Their sweet victory turned sour as God began to destroy them with a plague.
5:8 The Philistines were governed by five lords. Each lord lived in a different city—Gath, Ekron, Ashdod, Askelon, Gaza. The Ark was taken to three of these capital cities, and each time it brought great trouble and chaos to the citizens.