28:1, 2 Achish’s request put David in a difficult position. To refuse to help Achish fight the Israelites would give away David’s loyalty to Israel and endanger the lives of his soldiers and family. But to fight his own people would hurt the very people he loved and would soon lead. David, however, never had to solve his dilemma because God protected him. The other Philistine leaders objected to his presence in battle; thus, he did not have to fight his countrymen.
28:3-8 Saul had banned all mediums and wizards from Israel, but in desperation he turned to one for counsel. Although he had removed the sin of witchcraft from the land, he did not remove it from his heart. We may make a great show of denouncing sin, but if our hearts do not change, the sins will return. Knowing what is right and condemning what is wrong do not take the place of doing what is right.
28:5-7 Saul was overwhelmed at the sight of the Philistine army, and so he turned to the occult. Regard life’s difficulties and obstacles as reminders to turn you in God’s direction and make you depend upon him. Turning to anything or anyone else leads only to disaster.
28:7, 8 God had strictly forbidden the Israelites to have anything to do with divination, sorcery, witchcraft, mediums, spiritists, or anyone who consults the dead (Deuteronomy 18:9-14). In fact, sorcerers were to be put to death (Exodus 22:18). Occult practices were carried on in the name of pagan gods, and people turned to the occult for answers that God would not give.
Practitioners of the occult have Satan and demons as the source of their information; God does not reveal his will to them. Instead, he speaks through his own channels: the Bible, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit.
28:12 Did Samuel really come back from the dead at the medium’s call? The medium shrieked at the appearance of Samuel—she knew too well that the spirits she usually contacted were either contrived or satanic. Somehow Samuel’s appearance revealed to her that she was dealing with a far greater power. She did not call up Samuel by the power of Satan; God brought Samuel back to give Saul a prediction regarding his fate, which Saul already knew. This in no way justifies efforts to contact the dead or communicate with spirits. God is against all such practices (Galatians 5:19-21).
28:15 God did not answer Saul’s appeals because Saul had not followed God’s previous directions. Sometimes people wonder why their prayers are not answered. But if they don’t fulfill the responsibilities God has already given them, they should not be surprised when he does not give further guidance.
28:23-25 These verses highlight Saul’s grim condition. He was frightened, faint, and depressed by the news Samuel had given him. In his grief over God’s rejection, he had gone without food all day and had to be forced to eat. What an unhappy demise for one so gifted and honored by God in the beginning.