2 Samuel 7 Study Notes

7:1ff This chapter records the covenant God made with David, promising to carry on David’s line forever. This promise would be fully realized in the birth of Jesus Christ. Although the word covenant is not specifically stated in the Bible text here, it is used elsewhere to describe this occasion (23:5; Psalm 89:28, 34).

7:2 This is the first time Nathan the prophet is mentioned. God made certain that a prophet was living during the reign of each of the kings of Israel. The prophet’s main tasks were to urge the people to follow God and to communicate God’s laws and plans to the king. Most of the kings rejected the prophets God sent. But at least God had given them the opportunity to listen and obey. In earlier years, judges and priests had the role of prophets. Samuel served as judge, priest, and prophet, bridging the gap between the period of the judges and the monarchy.

7:5 In this message from Nathan, God is saying that he doesn’t want David to build a temple for him. God told David that his job was to unify and lead Israel and to destroy its enemies. This huge task would require David to shed a great deal of blood. In 1 Chronicles 28:3, we learn that God did not want his Temple built by a warrior. Therefore, David made the plans and collected the materials so that his son Solomon could begin work on the Temple as soon as he became king (1 Kings 5–7). David accepted his part in God’s plan and did not try to go beyond it. Sometimes God says no to our plans. When he does, we should utilize the other opportunities he gives us.

7:8-16 David’s request was good, but God said no. This does not mean that God rejected David. In fact, God was planning to do something even greater in David’s life than allowing him the prestige of building the Temple. Although God turned down David’s request, he promised to continue the house (or dynasty) of David forever. David’s earthly dynasty ended four centuries later, but Jesus Christ, a direct descendant of David, was the ultimate fulfillment of this promise (Acts 2:22-36). Christ will reign for eternity—now in his spiritual kingdom and in heaven, and later, on earth, in the new Jerusalem (Luke 1:30-33; Revelation 21). Have you prayed with good intentions, only to have God say no? This is God’s way of directing you to a greater purpose in your life. Accepting God’s no requires as great a faith as carrying out his yes.

7:18ff This section records David’s prayer expressing his humble acceptance of God’s promise to extend his dynasty forever. David realized that these blessings were given to him and his descendants in order that Israel might benefit from them. They would help fulfill God’s greater purpose and promises that through the nation the whole world would be blessed (Genesis 12:1-3).

7:28 David knew that God’s words were true, and he based his life on them. People search many places for truth on which to base their lives. Yet, as David knew, God’s Word is the only trustworthy foundation upon which to build a life.