18:2 In 2 Samuel 8:1, 2, it is recorded that David killed two-thirds of the people of Moab. His ancestor Ruth was originally from the land of Moab.
18:6, 14 David was a victorious and fair ruler. We see in David’s glowing success a hint of what Christ’s reign will be like—complete victory and justice. If David’s glory was great, how much greater will Christ’s glory be! The great news for us is that we can be rightly related to Jesus Christ through faith. One day we will share in his glory as we reign with him.
18:9-11 When David received gifts from King Tou, he dedicated them to God, realizing that they had come from God and were to be used for him. It is easy to think that our financial and material blessings are the result of our own skill and hard work rather than coming from a loving God (James 1:17). What has God given you? Dedicate all your gifts and resources to him, and use them for his service. He will lead you in the method you should use. The first step is to be willing. The second step is to follow up your willingness with action.
18:13 The list of battles in this chapter shows how God gave David victory after victory. Unbelieving people think that victory comes from their own skill plus a little luck. Just as David acknowledged God’s role in his success, so should we. Don’t take credit for the work God does.
18:17 The Cherethites and Pelethites were probably a group of foreign soldiers who had joined David during his flight from Saul. They remained loyal to David throughout his reign (2 Samuel 15:17, 18) and became part of his bodyguard.