9:1-8 The queen of Sheba had heard about Solomon’s wisdom, but she was overwhelmed when she saw for herself the fruits of that wisdom. Although Solomon had married Pharaoh’s daughter, he still sincerely tried to follow God at this stage in his life. When people get to know you and ask hard questions, will your responses reflect God? Your life can be a powerful witness; let others see God at work in you.
9:2, 6 Ruling a nation is an awesome task. Solomon realized this when he exclaimed, “Who can judge this thy people, that is so great?” (1:10). But God had given him this responsibility, and he also gave Solomon the necessary leadership abilities to carry it out. Following Jesus’ example also seems like a difficult task, but God has given you “all things that pertain unto life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). Never despair when you think you do not have the ability to solve a problem. God will give you all you need to fulfill the responsibilities he has given you. Then others, like the queen of Sheba, will be amazed at what they see.
9:8 The queen of Sheba marveled at Solomon, claiming that God must love his people greatly to give them such a king. Israel greatly prospered during Solomon’s reign, witnessing to God’s power and love for his people. The good times show God’s love and faithfulness, but hard times come to believers, too. Our perseverance and steadfast hope during those times will demonstrate our love and faithfulness to God.
9:11 This was probably sandalwood, a smooth, red-colored wood that accepts a high polish. This beautiful wood was extremely expensive.
9:13, 14 God had promised that Israel would prosper if Solomon followed him as David did (7:17, 18). As long as Solomon remained loyal to God, God blessed Israel abundantly. God also honors his promises to us, and his Word is the guarantee. But any good guarantee includes certain conditions. God’s promises and blessings are guaranteed as long as we keep our agreement with him. We must keep our commitment to him alive and strong.
9:29 For the rest of Solomon’s story, see 1 Kings 10:26–11:43. In his later years, Solomon turned away from God and led the nation into worshiping idols.