2 Chronicles 12 Study Notes

12:1, 2 Here “Israel” refers to Judah, the southern kingdom. During his first three years on the throne, Rehoboam made an attempt to obey God, and as a result, Judah prospered. But then, at his peak of popularity and power, he abandoned God. The result was destruction because God allowed Judah to be conquered by Egypt. How could this happen? Often it is more difficult to be a believer in good times than in bad. Tough times push us toward God; but easy times can make us feel self-sufficient and self-satisfied. When everything is going right, guard your faith closely.

12:2 A record of this invasion has been found on an Egyptian stone that says Shishak’s army penetrated as far north as the Sea of Galilee, in the northern kingdom. Egypt was not the world power it had once been, and Shishak wanted to restore his nation to its former greatness. He was not strong enough to conquer both Israel and Judah, but he managed to destroy key cities in Judah in an effort to regain control of the trade routes and strike terror among the people.

12:6-8 God lessened his judgment when Israel’s leaders confessed their sins, humbled themselves, and recognized God’s justice in punishing them. It’s never too late to repent, even in the midst of punishment. Regardless of what we have done, God is willing to receive us back into fellowship. Are you struggling and alone because sin has broken your fellowship with God? Confession and humility will open the door to receiving God’s mercy.

12:8 Subjection to other kings was the price Judah had to pay for disobeying God. The nation’s leaders thought they could succeed in their own strength, but they were wrong. When we rebel against God, we always pay for it. When we leave God out of our lives, we lose more spiritually than we ever gain financially.

12:10, 11 How ironic that the treasures in Solomon’s Temple were removed and the missing royal shields were replaced by cheaper bronze. Rehoboam tried to maintain the trappings and appearance of former glory, but he couldn’t measure up. When God is no longer central in our lives, maintaining the appearance of a Christian life becomes superficial. Outer beauty must come from inner strength.

12:14 Rehoboam’s story is tragic because he “prepared not his heart to seek the LORD.” How tragic a description of the grandson of David, who had been called a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14). It is dangerous to put off responding to God. God asks us for a firm commitment, and unless we respond by trusting him completely, we will find ourselves alienated from him.