6:1, 2 Unable to sleep, the king decided to review the history of his reign, and his servants read to him about Mordecai’s good deed. This seems coincidental, but God is always at work. God has been working quietly and patiently throughout your life as well. The events that have come together for good are not mere coincidence; they are the result of God’s sovereign control over the course of people’s lives (Romans 8:28).
6:7-9 Haman had wealth, but he craved something even his money couldn’t buy—respect. He could buy the trappings of success and power, but his lust for popularity had become an obsession. Don’t let your desire for approval, applause, and popularity drive you to immoral actions.
6:10-13 Mordecai had exposed a plot to assassinate Ahasuerus—thus, he had saved the king’s life (2:21-23). Although his good deed was recorded in the history books, Mordecai had gone unrewarded. But God was saving Mordecai’s reward for the right time. Just as Haman was about to hang Mordecai unjustly, the king was ready to give the reward. Although God promises to reward our good deeds, we sometimes feel our “payoff” is too far away. Be patient. God steps in when it will do the most good.