8:1ff Bildad was upset that Job still claimed innocence while questioning God’s justice. The basis of Bildad’s argument (the justice of God) was correct, but his idea of God’s justice was not. Bildad’s argument went like this: God could not be unjust, and God would not punish a just man; therefore, Job must be unjust. Bildad felt there were no exceptions to his theory. Like Eliphaz, Bildad wrongly assumed that people suffer only as a result of their sins. Bildad was even less sensitive and compassionate, saying that Job’s children died because of their wickedness. (For more information about Bildad, see the chart in chapter 28, p. 1083.)
8:14, 15 Bildad wrongly assumed that Job was trusting in something other than God for security, so he pointed out that such supports will collapse. One of people’s basic needs is security, and many will do almost anything to feel secure. Eventually, however, our money, possessions, knowledge, and relationships will fail or be gone. Only God can give lasting security. What have you trusted for your security? How lasting is it? If you have a secure foundation with God, feelings of insecurity will not undermine you.