26:1ff Job has the distinction of giving the longest speech in the book—six chapters—weaving together pictures of God’s mystery and power in a beautiful poem of trust. Beginning by brushing off Bildad’s latest reply as irrelevant (chapter 25), Job then told Bildad and his friends that they could not possibly know everything about God. Wisdom does not originate from this life or from the human mind—it comes from God (28:27, 28). Job then defended his upright and honest life. He had effectively sought to follow God’s way of living. While admitting that he was not perfect, Job maintained that his motives were right.
26:2-4 With great sarcasm, Job attacked Bildad’s comments. Job’s friends’ theological explanations failed to bring any relief because they were unable to turn their knowledge into helpful counsel. When dealing with people, it is more important to love and understand them than to analyze them or give advice. Compassion produces greater results than criticism or blame.