4:2 Leasing is sometimes translated as “lies,” sometimes as “false gods.” In either case, throughout history most people have preferred vanity, or delusions, to God’s truth.
4:3 The godly are those who are faithful and devoted to God. David knew that God would hear him when he called and would answer him. We, too, can be confident that God listens to our prayers and answers when we call on him. Sometimes we think that God will not hear us because we have fallen short of his high standards for holy living. But if we have trusted Christ for salvation, God has forgiven us and he will listen to us. When you feel as though your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling, remember that as a believer you have been set apart by God and that he loves you. He hears and answers although his answers may not be what you expect. Look at your problems in the light of God’s power instead of looking at God in the shadow of your problems.
4:5 Worship in David’s day included animal sacrifices by the priests in the Tabernacle. The animal’s blood covered the sins of the one who offered the animal. Specific rules had been given for offering sacrifices, but more important to God than ceremony was the offerer’s attitude of submission and obedience (1 Samuel 15:22, 23). Today, a sacrifice offered in the right spirit is still pleasing to God. He wants our obedience and our praise before our gifts (Hebrews 13:15). Offer God your sacrifice of total obedience and heartfelt praise.
4:7 Two kinds of joy are contrasted here—inward joy that comes from knowing and trusting God and happiness that comes as a result of pleasant circumstances. Inward joy is steady as long as we trust God; happiness is unpredictable. Inward joy defeats discouragement; happiness covers it up. Inward joy is lasting; happiness is temporary.