Psalms 24 Study Notes

24:1 Because “the earth is the LORD’s,” all of us are stewards, or caretakers. We should be committed to the proper management of this world and its resources. We are not to become devoted to anything created or act as sole proprietors, however, because this world will pass away (1 John 2:17).

24:1ff This psalm may have been written to celebrate moving the Ark of the Covenant from Obed-edom’s house to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6:10-12). Tradition says that this psalm was sung on the first day of each week in the Temple services. Verses 1-6 tell who is worthy to join in such a celebration of worship.

24:4 Vanity, in this case, refers to falsehood, and swearing deceitfully means telling lies, especially those told under oath. How greatly God values honesty! Dishonesty comes easily, especially when complete truthfulness could cost us something, make us uncomfortable, or put us in an unfavorable light. Dishonest communication hinders relationships. Without honesty, a relationship with God is impossible. If we lie to others, we will begin to deceive ourselves. God cannot hear us or speak to us if we are building a wall of self-deception.

24:7-10 Who is this King of glory? The King of glory, identified here also as the Lord of hosts, is the Messiah himself, eternal, holy, and mighty. This psalm is not only a battle cry for the church, but it also looks forward to Christ’s future entry into the new Jerusalem to reign forever (Revelation 19:11-21).

24:7-10 This psalm, often set to music, was probably used in corporate worship. It may have been reenacted many times at the Temple. The people outside would call out to the Temple gates to open up and let the King of glory in. From inside, the priests or another group would ask, “Who is this King of glory?” Outside, the people would respond in unison, “The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle,” proclaiming his great power and strength. The exchange then would be repeated (24:9, 10), and the Temple gates would swing open, symbolizing the people’s desire to have God’s presence among them. This would have been an important lesson for children who were participating.