Psalms 31 Study Notes

31:1 David called on the Lord to deliver him. He wanted God to stop those who were unjustly causing trouble. Therefore, David made his request based upon what he knew of God’s name, or character. Because God is righteous and loving, he desires to deliver his people.

31:1-6 We say we have faith in God, but do we really trust him? David’s words, “Into thine hand I commit my spirit,” convey his complete trust in God. Jesus used this phrase as he was dying on the cross—showing his absolute dependence on God the Father (Luke 23:46). Stephen repeated these words as he was being stoned to death (Acts 7:59), confident that in death he was simply passing from God’s earthly care to God’s eternal care. We should commit our possessions, our families, and our vocations to God. But first and foremost, we should commit ourselves completely to him.

31:6 The “lying vanities” were false gods, or idols. Why did David suddenly bring up the subject of idol worship? He wanted to contrast his total devotion to God with the diluted worship offered by many Israelites. Pagan religious rituals were never completely banished from Israel and Judah, despite the efforts of David and a few other kings. Obviously a person who clung to idols could not commit his spirit into God’s hands. When we put today’s idols (wealth, material possessions, success) first in our lives, we cannot expect God’s Spirit to guide us. God is our highest authority and requires our first allegiance.

31:9-13 In describing his feelings, David wrote of the helplessness and hopelessness everyone feels when hated or rejected. But adversity is easier to accept when we recognize our true relationship with the sovereign God (31:14-18). Although our enemies may seem to have the upper hand, they are ultimately the helpless and hopeless ones. Those who know God will be victorious in the end (31:23). We can have courage today because God will preserve us.

31:14, 15 In saying, “My times are in thy hand,” David was expressing his belief that all of life’s circumstances are under God’s control. Knowing that God loves and cares for us enables us to keep steady in our faith regardless of our circumstances. It keeps us from sinning foolishly by taking matters into our own hands or resenting God’s timetable.