33:2, 3 David, who some believe wrote this psalm, was an accomplished harpist (1 Samuel 16:15-23). His psalms frequently refer to musical instruments. He undoubtedly composed music for many of the psalms, and he commissioned musicians for Temple worship (1 Chronicles 25).
33:4 All God’s words are true and trustworthy. The Bible is reliable because, unlike people, God does not lie, forget, change his words, or leave his promises unfulfilled. We can trust the Bible because it contains the words of a holy, trustworthy, and unchangeable God.
33:6-9 This is a poetic summary of the first chapter of Genesis. God is not just the coordinator of natural forces; he is the Lord of creation, the almighty God. Because he is all-powerful, we should revere him in all we do.
33:11 God’s plan stands forever! Are you frustrated by inconsistencies you see in others or even in yourself? God is completely trustworthy—his intentions never change. The Bible promises that good and perfect gifts come to us from the Creator who never changes (James 1:17). When you wonder if there is anyone whom you can trust, remember that God is completely consistent. Let him counsel you.
33:16, 17 Thehorse refers to military strength. Because God rules and overrules every nation, leaders should never put their trust in their physical power. Military might is not the basis for our hope. Our hope is in God and in his gracious offer to save us if we will trust in him.
33:18, 19 This is not an ironclad guarantee that all believers will be delivered from death and starvation. Thousands of Christian saints have been beaten to death, whipped, fed to lions, or executed (Romans 8:35, 36; Hebrews 11:32-40). God can (and often does) miraculously deliver his followers from pain and death; although sometimes, for purposes known only to him, he chooses not to. When faced with these harsh realities, we must focus on the wise judgments of God. The writer was pleading for God’s watchful care and protection. In times of crisis, we can place our hope in God.