59:7, 8 Vile men curse God as if he cannot hear or will not respond. But God scoffs at them. Evil people live as if God cannot see them or will not punish them. But God watches patiently until that day when their deeds will rise up to accuse them. As believers we must be careful not to follow the same foolish practices as evil people. We must remember that God hears and sees all we do.
59:10 David was hunted by those whose love had turned to jealousy, and this was driving them to try to murder him. Trusted friends and even his mentor, the king, had turned against him. What changeable love! But David knew that God’s love for him was changeless. “His mercy is everlasting” (100:5). God’s mercy to all who trust him is just as permanent as his mercy to David. When the love of others fails or disappoints us, we can rest in God’s unfailing love.
59:16 Throughout this psalm, David describes in grim detail the behavior of his enemies. He conveys his own feelings of dread with the desperation and despair that he sees in the lives of those who want to harm him. What a delight, then, in these final verses to read about God’s role in David’s life as refuge, a place of safety, and a source of unfailing love. David had learned to turn negative circumstances into reminders of God’s faithful presence. What stresses in your life might be transformed today if you made them a starting point for praising God?