Psalms 79 Study Notes

79:6 According to the Old Testament, God’s wrath and judgment often fell on entire nations because of the sins of people within those nations. Here Asaph pleaded for judgment on kingdoms that refused to acknowledge God’s authority. Ironically, Asaph’s own nation of Judah was being judged by God for refusing to do this very thing (2 Chronicles 36:14-20). These were people who had sworn allegiance to God but were now rejecting him. This made their judgment even worse.

79:10 In the end, God’s glory will be evident to all people, but in the meantime, we must endure suffering with patience and allow God to strengthen our character through it. For reasons that we do not know, God sometimes allows pagan people to scoff at believers. We should be prepared for criticism, jokes, and unkind remarks because God does not place us beyond the attacks of scoffers.