Psalms 81 Study Notes

81:1-5 Israel’s holidays reminded the nation of God’s great miracles. They were times of rejoicing and times to renew one’s strength for life’s daily struggles. At Christmas, do your thoughts revolve mostly around presents? Is Easter only a warm anticipation of spring and Thanksgiving only a good meal? Remember the spiritual origins of these special days, and use them as opportunities to worship God for his goodness to you, your family, and your nation.

81:2-4 David instituted music for the Temple worship services (1 Chronicles 25). Music and worship go hand in hand. Worship involves the whole person, and music helps lift a person’s thoughts and emotions to God. Through music we can reflect upon our needs and shortcomings as well as celebrate God’s greatness.

81:11, 12 God let the Israelites go on blindly, stubbornly, and selfishly, when they should have been obeying and following God’s desires. God sometimes lets us continue in our stubbornness to bring us to our senses. He does not keep us from rebelling because he wants us to learn the consequences of sin. He uses these experiences to turn people away from greater sin to faith in him.

81:13-16 God had provided in his covenant that he would restore his people if they would listen to him and return to him (Exodus 23:22-27; Leviticus 26:3-13; Deuteronomy 7:12-26; 28:1-14). God remains faithful in our relationship with him (2 Timothy 2:11-13), patiently waiting for our response so he can pour out his blessings. Conduct an inventory of your spiritual life right now. In what ways are you allowing God to affect your daily decisions?