Psalms 82 Study Notes

82:1ff God judges human judges. The integrity of the justice system in a nation provides a clear indication of the health of that society. As is the case with all leadership, judges derive their authority ultimately from God and will give an account to God for their verdicts. Believers are commanded to pray for “kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Timothy 2:2). This psalm reminds us to include judges of every kind in our prayers because we directly benefit from their integrity.

82:6 This psalm calls the rulers and judges of Israel “gods” and “children of the most High.” They were called gods because they represented God in executing judgment. John 10:34-36 records Jesus using this passage to defend his claims to be God. His argument was as follows: If God would call mere people “gods,” why was it blasphemous for him, the true Son of God, to declare himself equal with God?