10:2 Some people bring unhappiness on themselves by choosing wrong living. For example, craving satisfaction, they may do something that destroys their chances of ever achieving happiness. God’s principles for right living bring lasting happiness, because they guide us into long-term right behavior in spite of our ever-changing feelings.
10:3 Proverbs is filled with verses that contrast the good person with the wicked. These statements are not intended to apply universally to all people in every situation. Some good people do starve. Rather, the verses communicate the general truth that the life of the person who seeks God is better in the long run than the life of the wicked person—a life which leads to ruin. These statements are not ironclad promises but general truths. In addition, a proverb like this assumes a just government that cares for the poor and needy—the kind of government Israel was intended to have (see Deuteronomy 24:17-22). A corrupt government often thwarts the plans of godly men and women.
10:3 Proverbs often describes God’s care for “the righteous.” Being “righteous” does not mean being “like God” in the sense of being perfect. Obviously that is impossible for human beings. Righteous people are those who love the Lord and are seeking to follow him (Psalm 4:3). As Christians, we have been given the power of the Holy Spirit to help us live righteous lives (2 Peter 1:3).
10:4, 5 Every day has 24 hours filled with opportunities to grow, serve, and be productive. Yet it is so easy to waste time, letting life slip from our grasp. Instead, refuse to be a lazy person, sleeping or frittering away the hours meant for productive work. See time as God’s gift and seize your opportunities to live for him.
10:10 Sin is serious, not just because of what it does to us and to others, but because it is personal rebellion against God. He does not take sin lightly, and we dare not either. If there is an area in your life that you have been withholding from God’s control, end your rebellion. If you have minimized and rationalized disobedience, put aside your excuses. Don’t wink at sin. Boldly confront it and confess it to God, because sin is serious business.
10:18 By hating another person you may become a liar or a fool. If you try to conceal your hatred, you end up lying. If you slander the other person and are proven wrong, you are a fool. The only way out is to ask God to change your heart.
10:20 A lot of poor advice is worth less than a little good advice. It is easy to get opinions from people who will tell us only what they think will please us, but such advice is not helpful. Instead we should look for those who will speak the truth, even when it hurts. Think about the people to whom you go for advice. What do you expect to hear from them?
10:22 God supplies most people with the personal and financial abilities to respond to the needs of others. If we all realized how God has blessed us, and if we all used our resources to do God’s will, hunger and poverty would be wiped out. Wealth is a blessing only if we use it in the way God intended.
10:24 Those who do not believe in God usually fear death, and with good reason. By contrast, believers desire eternal life and God’s salvation, and their hopes will be rewarded. This verse offers a choice: You can have either your fears or your hopes come true. You make that choice by rejecting God and living your own way, or by accepting God and following him.