Proverbs 11 Study Notes

11:4 “The day of wrath” refers to when we die or to the time when God settles accounts with all people. On judgment day, each person will stand alone, accountable for all of his or her deeds. At that time, no amount of riches will buy reconciliation with God. Only our love for God and obedience to him will count.

11:8 This verse, like 10:3, contrasts two paths in life, but is not intended to apply universally to all people in all circumstances. It does not exclude God’s people from problems or struggles. If a person follows God’s wisdom, however, God can rescue him from trouble, whereas a wicked person will fall into his own traps. Even if a good person suffers, he can be sure he will ultimately be rescued from eternal death.

11:9 Words can be used either as weapons or tools, hurting relationships or building them up. Sadly, it is often easier to destroy than to build, and most people have received more destructive comments than those that build up. Every person you meet today is either a demolition site or a construction opportunity. Your words will make a difference. Will they be weapons for destruction or tools for construction?

11:14 A good leader needs and uses wise counselors. One person’s perspective and understanding is severely limited; he or she may not have all the facts or may be blinded by bias, emotions, or wrong impressions. To be a wise leader at home, at church, or at work, seek the counsel of others and be open to their advice. Then, after considering all the facts, make your decision. (See the chart in chapter 28, p. 957.)

11:19 How is it that righteousness “tendeth to life”? A righteous person finds life because wisdom makes the hours of the day more profitable and the years more fruitful (9:11). He lives life more fully each day. He also finds life because people usually live longer when they live right—proper diet, exercise, and rest. In addition, he need not fear death because eternal life is God’s gift to him (John 11:25). By contrast, the evil person not only finds eternal death, but also misses out on real life on earth.

11:22 Physical attractiveness without strength of character soon wears thin. We are to seek those qualities that help us make wise decisions, not just those that make us look good. Not everyone who looks good is pleasant to live or work with. While taking good care of our body and appearance is not wrong, we also need to develop our ability to think and make wise decisions.

11:24, 25 These two verses present a paradox: We become richer by being generous. The world says to hold on to as much as possible, but this verse says that God blesses those who give freely of their possessions, time, and energy. When we give, God supplies us with more so that we can give more. In addition, giving helps us gain a right perspective on our possessions. We realize they were never really ours to begin with, but were given to us by God to be used to help others. What then do we gain by giving? Freedom from enslavement to our possessions, the joy of helping others, and God’s approval.

11:29 One of the greatest resources God gives us is the family. The family provides acceptance, encouragement, exhortation, and counsel. Rejecting one’s family—whether through anger or through an exaggerated desire for independence—is foolish because you cut yourself off from all they provide. In your family, strive for healing, communication, and understanding.

11:30 A wise person is a model of a meaningful life. His sense of purpose attracts others who want to know how they too can find meaning. Gaining wisdom yourself, then, can be the first step in leading people to God. Why is it so important to lead people to God? Because it keeps us in touch with God while it offers others eternal life.

11:31 Contrary to popular opinion, no one sins and gets away with it. The faithful are rewarded for their faith. The wicked are punished for their sins. Don’t think for a moment that “it won’t matter” or “nobody will know” or “we won’t get caught” (see also 1 Peter 4:18).