Proverbs 24 Study Notes

24:5 The athlete who thinks—who assesses the situation and plans strategies—has an advantage over a physically stronger but unthinking opponent. And wisdom, not muscle, is certainly what has put man in charge of the animal kingdom. We exercise regularly and eat well to build our strength; do we take equal pains to develop wisdom? Since wisdom is a vital part of strength, it pays to work on it.

24:6 In any major decision we make concerning college, marriage, career, children, etc., it doesn’t show weakness to ask for advice. It shows foolishness not to ask for it. Find good advisers before making any big decision. They can help you expand your alternatives and evaluate your choices.

24:8 Planning to do evil can be as wrong as doing it because what you think determines what you will do. Left unchecked, wrong desires will lead us to sin. God wants pure lives, free from sin; and planning evil spoils the purity even if the evil action has not yet been committed. Should you say, “Then I might as well go ahead and do it, because I’ve already planned it”? No. You have sinned in your attitude, but you have not yet damaged other people. Stop in your tracks and ask God to forgive you and put you on a different path.

24:10 Adversity can be useful. It shows you who you really are, what kind of character you have developed. In addition, it helps you grow stronger. When Jeremiah questioned God because of the adversity he faced, the Lord asked how he ever expected to face big challenges if the little ones wearied him (Jeremiah 12:5). Don’t complain about your problems. The adversity you face today is training you to be strong for the more difficult situations you will face in the future.

24:17, 18 David, Solomon’s father, refused to gloat over the death of his lifelong enemy Saul (see 2 Samuel 1). On the other hand, the nation of Edom gloated over Israel’s defeat and was punished by God for this (Obadiah 1:12). To gloat over others’ misfortune is to make yourself the avenger and to put yourself in the place of God, who alone is the real judge of all the earth (see Deuteronomy 32:35).

24:26 People often think that they should bend the truth to avoid hurting a friend. But one who gives an honest, straightforward answer is a true friend. To be entrusted with the truth even at the risk of offense, says this proverb, represents a gesture of high honor.

24:27 We should carry out our work in its proper order. If a farmer builds his house in the spring, he misses the planting season and goes a year without food. If a businessman invests his money in a house while his business is struggling to grow, he may lose both. It is possible to work hard and still lose everything if the resources to carry it out are not put in place.

24:29 Here is a reverse version of the Golden Rule (see Luke 6:31). Revenge is the way the world operates, but it is not God’s way.