26:2 “The curse causeless shall not come” means an undeserved curse has no effect.
26:4, 5 These two verses seem to contradict, but they actually are purposely demonstrating the contradiction between reason and folly. A fool remains a fool whether he is answered or not. The wise person has a choice to make depending on what he or she sees is the greatest need of the fool. Some fools don’t deserve an answer because they are clearly not in a mood to listen and those who try to answer them will simply stoop to their level. There are other situations where common sense says to answer the fool in order to expose his or her pride and folly.
26:7 Some people are so dulled that they won’t sense the wisdom even if they memorize these proverbs. A mindlessly quoted proverb proves as useless as a paralyzed body part. Only those who want to be wise have the receptive attitude needed to make the most of these wise words. If we want to learn from God, he will respond and pour out his heart to us (1:23).
26:8 Sometimes when someone in a group causes discord or dissension, the leader tries to make that person loyal and productive by giving him or her a place of privilege or responsibility. This doesn’t always work. In fact, it is like tying a stone to the sling of a slingshot—it won’t go anywhere and will swing back and hurt you. The dissenter’s new power may be just what he or she needs to manipulate the group.
26:9 Normally the first prick of a thorn alerts us, and we remove the thorn before it damages us. A drunk person, however, may not feel the thorn, and so it works its way into his flesh. Similarly, a fool may not feel the sting of a parable, because he does not see where it touches his life. Instead of taking its point to heart, a fool will apply it to his church, his employer, his spouse, or whomever he is rebelling against. The next time you find yourself saying, “So-and-so should really pay attention to that,” stop and ask yourself, “Is there a message in it for me?”
26:13-16 If a person is not willing to work, he can find endless excuses to avoid it. But laziness is more dangerous than a prowling lion. The less you do, the less you want to do, and the more useless you become. To overcome laziness, take a few small steps toward change. Set a concrete, realistic goal. Figure out the steps needed to reach it, and follow those steps. Pray for strength and persistence. To keep your excuses from making you useless, stop making useless excuses.
26:17 Yanking a dog’s ears is a good way to get bitten, and interfering in arguments is a good way to get hurt. Many times both arguers will turn on the person who interferes. It is best simply to keep out of arguments that are none of your business. If you must become involved, try to wait until the arguers have stopped fighting and cooled off a bit. Then maybe you can help them mend their differences and their relationship.
26:20 Talking about every little irritation only keeps the fires of anger going. Refusing to discuss them cuts the fuel line and makes the fires die out. Does someone continually irritate you? Decide not to complain about the person, and see if your irritation dies from lack of fuel.
26:24 “He that hateth dissembleth with his lips” means a man with hate in his heart may sound pleasant enough, but don’t believe his words.