28:2 For a government or a society to endure, it needs wise, informed leaders—and these are hard to find. It is easy to find leaders who go along with “transgression” or moral decay, but a decadent nation cannot long survive. Each person’s selfishness quickly affects others. A selfish employee who steals from his company ruins its productivity. A selfish driver who drinks before taking the wheel makes the state highways unsafe. A selfish spouse who has an adulterous affair often breaks up several families. When people live for themselves with little concern for how their actions affect others, the resulting moral rot contaminates the entire nation. Are you part of the problem or the solution?
28:5 Because judgment—justice—is part of God’s character, a person who follows God treats others with justice. The beginning of justice is concern for what is happening to others. A Christian cannot be indifferent to human suffering because God isn’t. And we certainly must not contribute to human suffering through selfish business practices or unfair government policies. Be sure you are more concerned for justice than merely your own interests. You can’t claim to follow God and ignore your neighbor.
28:9 God does not listen to our prayers if we intend to go back to our sin as soon as we get off our knees. If we want to forsake our sin and follow him, however, he willingly listens—no matter how bad our sin has been. What closes his ears is not the depth of our sin, but our secret intention to do it again. God hears our intentions as clearly as he hears our words.
28:11 Rich people often think they are wonderful; depending on no one, they take credit for all they do. But that’s a hollow self-esteem. Through dependence on God in their struggles, the poor may develop a richness of spirit that no amount of wealth can provide. The rich person can lose all his material wealth, while no one can take away the poor person’s character. Don’t be jealous of the rich; money may be all they will ever have.
28:13 It is hard to learn from a mistake you don’t acknowledge making. And what good is a mistake if it doesn’t teach you something? To learn from an error you need to admit it, analyze it, and make adjustments so that it doesn’t happen again. Everybody makes mistakes, but only fools repeat them.
28:13 Something in each of us strongly resists admitting we are wrong. That is why we admire people who openly and graciously admit their mistakes. These people have a strong self-image. They do not always have to be right to feel good about themselves. Be willing to reconsider—to admit you are wrong and to change your plans when necessary.
28:17 A sinner’s conscience will drive him into either the “pit” of guilt and on to repentance, or into the pit of hell itself because of a refusal to repent. It is no act of kindness to try to make him feel better; the more guilt he feels, the more likely he is to turn to God and repent. If we interfere with the natural consequences of his act, we make it easier for him to continue to sin.
28:26 For many people, the rugged individualist is a hero. We admire the bold, self-directed men and women who know what they want and fight for it. They are self-reliant, neither giving nor asking advice. What a contrast to God’s way. A person can’t know the future and can’t predict the consequences of his choices with certainty. The totally self-reliant person is doomed to failure, but the wise person is protected by dependence on God.
28:27 God wants us to identify with the needy, not ignore them. The second part of this proverb could be restated positively: “Those who open their eyes to human need shall be blessed.” If we help others when they are in trouble, they will do whatever they can to return the favor (see 11:24, 25). Paul promises that God will supply all our needs (Philippians 4:19); he usually does this through other people. What can you do today to help God supply someone’s need?