29:1 Warnings rarely come with countdowns. We can’t tell when we’ve had our last chance to change. When we, like the person in this proverb, refuse to consider valid criticism, we leave ourselves open to sudden disaster. The moment we realize that a change is necessary is the best moment to take action. What significant adjustments have been on hold in your life for too long?
29:5, 6 We all want to be liked, so we are all vulnerable to flattery. But flattery can be a dangerous trap. To avoid falling into it, be realistic about yourself. Set goals and work toward them, and you will know when you deserve praise and when you need rebuke. This knowledge can make you immune to flattery and protect you from being manipulated by the people who use it.
29:13 “The LORD lighteneth both their eyes” means everyone depends on God for sight. Both the oppressor and the poor have the gift of sight from the same God. God sees and judges both, and his judgment falls on those whose greed or power drives them to oppress the poor.
29:15 Parents of young children often grow weary of disciplining them. They feel like all they do is nag, scold, and punish. When you’re tempted to give up and let your children do what they want, or when you wonder if you’ve ruined every chance for a loving relationship with them, remember that kind, firm discipline helps them learn, and learning makes them wise. Consistent, loving discipline will ultimately teach them to discipline themselves.
29:18 “Vision” refers to revelation that prophets receive. Where there is ignorance or rejection of God, crime and sin run rampant. Public morality depends on the knowledge of God, but it also depends on keeping God’s laws. In order for nations and individuals to function well, people must know God’s ways and keep his rules. Having God’s Word means little if we are not obeying it.
29:24 This proverb is saying that a thief’s accomplice may not tell the truth when under oath. Thus, by his participation in the crime and his perjury in the courtroom, he will hurt himself. Further, a witness who refuses to report a crime becomes an accomplice.
29:25 Fear of man can hamper everything you try to do. In extreme forms, it can make you afraid to leave your home. By contrast, fear of God—respect, reverence, and trust—is liberating. Why fear people who can do no eternal harm? Instead, fear God who can turn the harm intended by others into good for those who trust him.