Ecclesiastes 11 Study Notes

11:1-5 In these verses Solomon summarizes that life involves both risk and opportunity. Because life has no guarantees, we must be prepared. Solomon does not support a stingy, despairing attitude. Just because life is uncertain does not mean we should do nothing. We need a spirit of trust and adventure, facing life’s risks and opportunities with God-directed enthusiasm and faith.

11:4 Waiting for perfect conditions will mean inactivity. This practical insight is especially applicable to our spiritual lives. If we wait for the perfect time and place for personal Bible reading, we will never begin. If we wait for a perfect church, we will never join. If we wait for the perfect ministry, we will never serve. Take steps now to grow spiritually. Don’t wait for conditions that may never exist.

11:7, 8 Solomon is no dreary pessimist in 11:7–12:14. He encourages us to rejoice in every day but to remember that eternity is far longer than a person’s life span. Psalm 90:12 says, “Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” The wise person does not just think about the moment and its impact; he or she takes the long-range view toward eternity. Approach your decisions with God’s perspective—consider their impact 10 years from now and into eternity. Live with the attitude that although our lives are short, we will live with God forever.

11:9, 10 People often say, “It doesn’t matter.” But many of a person’s choices will be irreversible—they will affect that person for a lifetime. What you do when you’re young does matter. Enjoy life now, but don’t do anything physically, morally, or spiritually that will prevent you from enjoying life when you are old.