6:3 The girl said that she and her lover belonged to each other—they had given themselves to each other unreservedly. No matter how close we may be to our parents or our best friends, only in marriage can we realize complete union of mind, heart, and body.
6:4 Tirzah was a city about 35 miles northeast of Jerusalem. Its name means “pleasure” or “beauty.” Jeroboam made Tirzah the first capital of the divided northern kingdom (1 Kings 14:17). “Terrible as an army with banners” means that his beloved must have had awe-inspiring beauty, like a mighty army readying for battle.
6:8, 9 Solomon did indeed have many queens (wives) and concubines (1 Kings 11:3). Polygamy, though not condoned, was common in Old Testament days. Solomon said that his love for this woman had not diminished since their wedding night, even though many other women were available to him.