25:1 Isaiah honored and praised God because he realized that God completes his plans as promised. God also fulfills his promises to you. Think of the prayers he has answered, and praise him for his goodness and faithfulness.
25:6 Here is a marvelous prophecy of “all people”—Gentiles and Jews together—at God’s messianic feast, celebrating the overthrow of evil and the joy of eternity with God. It shows that God intended his saving message to go out to the whole world, not just to the Jews. During the feast, God will end death forever (25:7, 8). The people who participate in this great feast will be those who have been living by faith. That is why they say, “This is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us” (25:9). See also chapter 55 for another presentation of this great feast.
25:8 When the Lord speaks, he does what he says. It is comforting to know that God’s plans and activities are closely tied to his word. When we pray according to God’s will (as expressed in the Bible) and claim his promises (as recorded in the Bible), he hears us and answers our requests.
25:8 Part of this verse is quoted in 1 Corinthians 15:54 to describe Christ’s victory over death. God’s ultimate victory is seen when death, our ultimate enemy, is defeated (see also Hosea 13:14). Another part of this verse is quoted in Revelation 21:4, which describes the glorious scene of God’s presence with his people.
25:10 Moab was a symbol of all who oppose God and are rebellious to the end. Moab was Israel’s enemy for years (see the note on 15:1).