Isaiah 32 Study Notes

32:1 Having suffered much injustice from evil rulers, many in Judah were hungry for a strong king who would rule with justice. This desire will be fulfilled when Christ reigns. Judah would be destroyed and taken into captivity. But one day, God’s Son, a King unlike any other king, will reign in righteousness and rule with justice.

32:5, 6 When the righteous king comes, people’s motives will become transparent. Fools will not be regarded as heroes. Those who have opposed God’s standards of living will be unable to maintain their deception. In the blazing light of the holy Savior, sin cannot disguise itself and appear good. Christ’s revealing light shines into the darkest corners of our hearts, showing sin clearly for what it is. When King Jesus reigns in your heart, there is no place for sin, no matter how well hidden you may think it is.

32:9-13 The people turned their backs on God and concentrated on their own pleasures. This warning is not just to the women of Jerusalem (see 3:16–4:1) but to all who sit back in their thoughtless complacency, enjoying crops, clothes, land, and cities while an enemy approaches. Wealth and luxury bring false security, lulling us into thinking all is well when disaster is around the corner. By abandoning God’s purpose for our lives, we also abandon his help.

32:15-17 God acts from above to change people’s condition here on earth. Only when God’s Spirit is among us can we achieve true peace and fruitfulness (Ezekiel 36:22-38; Galatians 5:22, 23). This will happen in the end times. We can also have God’s Spirit with us now, for he is available to all believers through Christ (John 15:26). But the outpouring mentioned here happens when the worldwide Kingdom of God is established for all eternity (see Joel 2:28, 29).