Isaiah 38 Study Notes

38:1ff The events of chapters 38 and 39 happened before those of chapters 36 and 37.

38:1-5 When Isaiah went to Hezekiah, who was extremely ill, and told him of his impending death, Hezekiah immediately turned to God. God responded to his prayer, allowing Hezekiah to live another 15 years. If you have a desperate need in your life, bring it to the Lord. In response to fervent prayer, God may change the course of your life, too.

38:1-6 According to 2 Chronicles 32:24-26, Hezekiah had a problem with pride even after this double miracle of healing and deliverance. Eventually he and his subjects humbled themselves, so God’s judgment was put off for several more generations.

38:16-18 Hezekiah realized that his prayer brought deliverance and forgiveness. His words “the grave cannot praise thee” may reveal that he was unaware of the blessedness of the future life for those who trust in God (57:1, 2), or he may have meant that dead bodies cannot praise God. In either case, Hezekiah knew that God had spared his life, so in his poem Hezekiah praises God. Hezekiah recognized the good that came from his bitter experience. The next time you have difficult struggles, pray for God’s help to gain something beneficial from them.

38:19 Hezekiah spoke of the significance of passing the joy of the Lord from father to child, from generation to generation. The heritage of our faith has come to us because of faithful men and women who have carried God’s message to us across the centuries. Do you share with your children or other young people the excitement of your relationship with God?