Isaiah 65 Study Notes

65:1 Israel considered itself to be the only people of God, but the time would come when other nations would seek him. Paul mentions Isaiah’s statement in Romans 10:20 and points out that these other nations were the Gentiles. God’s people today are those who accept Jesus as Savior and Lord, whether they are Jews or Gentiles. The gospel is for every person. Do not ignore or reject anyone when you share the gospel. You may be surprised at how many are sincerely searching for God.

65:3-5 God said these people directly disobeyed his laws when they worshiped and sacrificed to idols (Exodus 20:1-6), consulted the dead and evil spirits (Leviticus 19:31), and ate forbidden foods (Leviticus 11). But they were so perverse that they still thought they were spiritually superior to others. Jesus called such people hypocrites (Matthew 23:13-36).

65:6 God said he would pay back the people for their sins. Judgment is not our job but God’s because he alone is just. Who else knows our hearts and minds? Who else knows what is a completely fair reward or punishment? Leave judgment of others up to God. If he gave us what we deserve, he might wipe us out. Instead, pray for his mercy.

65:8, 9 God will always preserve a faithful remnant of his people. No matter how bad the world is, there are always a few who remain loyal to him. Jesus made this point in Matthew 13:36-43.

65:10 Sharon is a plain in the western part of Israel. The valley of Achor is in the east, near Jericho. The valley of Achor was also called the Valley of Trouble because Achan was executed there for hiding forbidden spoils of battle (Joshua 7:10-26). Even in this valley there will be peace: The coming restoration will be complete.

65:17-25 In 65:17-19 we have a pictorial description of the new heavens and the new earth. They are eternal, and in them safety, peace, and plenty will be available to all (see also 66:22, 23; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1). Verses 20-25 may refer to the reign of Christ on earth because sin and death have not yet been finally destroyed.