Isaiah 66 Study Notes

66:1 Even the beautiful Temple in Jerusalem was woefully inadequate for a God who is present everywhere. God cannot be confined to any human structure (see 2 Chronicles 6:18; Acts 7:49, 50). This chapter is a fitting climax to the book. God will lift up the humble, judge all people, destroy the wicked, bring all believers together, and establish the new heavens and the new earth. Let this hope encourage you each day.

66:2, 3 These key verses summarize Isaiah’s message. He contrasted humble persons, who have a profound reverence for God’s messages and their application to life, with those who choose their own ways. The sacrifices of the arrogant were only external compliance. In their hearts they were murderers, perverts, and idolaters. God shows mercy to the humble, but he curses the proud and self-sufficient (see Luke 1:51-53). Our society urges us to be assertive and to affirm ourselves. Don’t let your freedom and right to choose lead you away from God’s pathway to eternal life.

66:7-9 God will not leave his work of national restoration unfinished. In this image of birth, God shows that he will accomplish what he has promised. It is as unstoppable as the birth of a baby. When all the pain is over, the joy begins.

66:15-17 This is a vivid picture of the great judgment that will occur at Christ’s second coming (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9).

66:19 God’s people will go out as missionaries to all parts of the earth—to Tarshish (Spain), to northern Africa (Pul), to the Lydians (Lud) in western Asia Minor, to northeastern Asia Minor (Tubal), and to Greece (Javan).

66:22-24 Isaiah brings his book to a close with great drama. For the faithless there is a sobering portrayal of judgment. For the faithful, there is a glorious picture of rich reward: “so shall your seed and your name remain.” The contrast is so striking that it would seem that everyone would want to be God’s follower. But we are often just as rebellious, foolish, and reluctant to change as the Israelites. We are just as negligent in feeding the hungry, working for justice, obeying God’s Word, and taking up his causes. Make sure you are among those who will be richly blessed.