Jeremiah 14 Study Notes

14:1–15:21 This section opens with God sending a drought on Judah and refusing to answer their prayers for rain. It continues with Jeremiah’s description of judgment to come.

14:1ff Drought was a judgment with devastating consequences. As usual, when their backs were to the wall, the people cried out to God. But God rejected their plea because they did not repent; they merely wanted his rescue. Not even Jeremiah’s prayers on their behalf would help. Their only hope was to turn to God.

14:14 What made the people listen to the false prophets? These “prophets” said what the people wanted to hear. False teachers earn fame and money by telling people what they want to hear, but they lead people away from God. If we encourage false teachers, we are as guilty as they are.

14:19-22 Interceding for the people, Jeremiah asked God if Judah’s repentance would bring his help. But God refused to come to their aid (15:1) because the people were insincere, wicked, and stubborn. They knew he wanted to bless them, and they knew what they needed to do to receive that blessing. They wanted God to do his part, but they did not want to do theirs. It’s easy to express sorrow for wrong actions, especially when we want something, but we must be willing to stop doing what is wrong. God will forgive those who are truly repentant, but hypocrites will be severely punished.