Jeremiah 48 Study Notes

48:1 The Moabites were descendants of Lot through an incestuous relationship with one of his daughters (Genesis 19:30-37). They led the Israelites into idolatry (Numbers 25:1-3) and joined the bands of raiders Nebuchadrezzar sent into Judah in 602 B.C. They were later conquered by Babylon and disappeared as a nation.

48:7 Chemosh was the main god of the nation of Moab (Numbers 21:29), and child sacrifice was an important part of his worship (2 Kings 3:26, 27). God’s judgment made it clear that human-made resources and gods are no match for the Lord Almighty.

48:13 After Israel divided into northern and southern kingdoms, the northern kingdom set up gold calf idols in Bethel and Dan to keep people from going to worship in Jerusalem, capital of the southern kingdom (1 Kings 12:25-29).

48:29 Moab was condemned for its pride. God cannot tolerate pride because pride is taking personal credit for what God has done or looking down on others. God does not condemn our taking satisfaction in what we do (Ecclesiastes 3:22), but he stands against overestimates of our own importance. Romans 12:3 teaches us to have an honest estimate of ourselves.

48:31 Kir-heres was a stronghold city in Moab. God’s compassion reaches to all creation, even to his enemies.