Lamentations 2 Study Notes

2:6 King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem represented God’s presence with the people (1 Kings 8:1-11). The Temple was the central place of worship. Many in Jeremiah’s day assumed that God would never allow his Temple to be harmed. Its destruction symbolized God’s rejection of his people—that he no longer lived among them.

2:7 Our place of worship is not as important to God as our priorities in worship. A church building may be beautiful, but if its people don’t sincerely follow God, the church will decay from within. The people of Judah, despite their stunning Temple, had rejected in their daily lives what they proclaimed in their worship rituals. Thus, their worship had turned into a mocking lie. When you worship, are you saying words you don’t really mean? Do you pray for help you don’t really believe will come? Do you express love for God you don’t really have? Earnestly seek God and catch a fresh vision of his love and care. Then worship him wholeheartedly.

2:9 Four powerful symbols and sources of security were lost: the protection of the gates, the leadership of the kings and princes, the guidance of the law, and the vision of the prophets. With those four factors present, the people were lulled into a false sense of security and felt comfortable with their sins. But after each was removed, the people were confronted with the choice of repenting and returning to God or continuing on this path of suffering. Don’t substitute symbols, even good ones, for the reality of a living, personal relationship with God himself.

2:11 Jeremiah’s tears were sincere and full of compassion. Sorrow does not mean that we lack faith or strength. There is nothing wrong with crying—Jesus himself felt sorrow and even wept (John 11:35). How do we react to the tearing down of our society and to moral degradation? This may not be as obvious as an invading enemy army, but the destruction is just as certain. We, too, should be deeply moved when we see the moral decay that surrounds us.

2:14 False prophets were everywhere in Jeremiah’s day. They gave counterfeit and misleading messages. While Jeremiah warned the people of coming destruction and lengthy captivity, the false prophets said that all was well so the people need not fear. All of Jeremiah’s words came true because he was a true prophet of God (Jeremiah 14:14-16).

2:19 Chapter 1 describes Jerusalem’s desolation and calls for God’s revenge on his enemies. Chapter 2 includes a call for God’s people to pour out their hearts in the Lord’s presence. The people must turn from their sins; they must sincerely mourn over their wrongs against God (3:40-42). The people had much to cry about. Because of their stubborn rebellion against God, they had brought great suffering to all, especially to the innocent. Was this suffering God’s fault? No, it was the fault of the wayward people. Sinful people brought destruction on themselves, but tragically, sin’s consequences affected everyone—good and evil alike.

2:19 The people’s suffering and sin should have brought them to the Lord, weeping for forgiveness. Only when our prideful, independent hearts are broken over sin can God come to our rescue. Just feeling sorry about experiencing sin’s consequences does not bring forgiveness. But if we cry out to God in repentance, he will forgive us.

2:21, 22 This horrible scene could have been avoided. Jeremiah had warned the people for years that this day of destruction would come, and it broke his heart to see it fulfilled. We are always shocked when we hear of tragedy striking the innocent. But often innocent by-standers are victims of judgment on a nation. Sin has a way of causing great sorrow and devastation to many.