Ezekiel 27 Study Notes

27:1ff Chapter 27 is a funeral lament over Tyre’s fall. It compares the city to a ship (27:1-9), mentions many of its trading partners (27:10-25), and then describes how the ship sank (27:26-36). Jesus spoke of Tyre in Matthew 11:22 as a city worthy of God’s judgment.

27:3, 4 The beauty of Tyre was the source of its pride, and Tyre’s pride guaranteed its judgment. Conceit or pride in our own accomplishments should be a danger signal to us (see James 4:13-17). God is not against our taking pleasure or finding satisfaction in what we do; he is against arrogance and inflated self-esteem that looks down on others. We must acknowledge God as the basis and source of our life.