10:1 Israel prospered under Jeroboam II, gaining military and economic strength. But the more prosperous the nation became, the more love it lavished on idols. It seems as though the more God gives, the more we spend. We want bigger houses, better cars, and finer clothes. But the finest things the world offers line the pathway to destruction. As you prosper, consider where your money is going. Is it being used for God’s purposes, or are you consuming it all on yourself?
10:4 God was angry with the people of Israel for their insincere promises to him, and in response he said that punishment would come. People break their promises, but God always keeps his. Are you remaining true to your promises, both to other people and to God? If not, ask God for forgiveness and help to get back on track. Then be careful about the promises you make. Never make a promise unless you are sure you can keep it.
10:5 Beth-aven means “house of wickedness,” and it refers to Bethel (“house of God”), where false worship took place. If the Israelites’ idols were really gods, they should have been able to protect them. How ironic that the people were fearing for their gods’ safety! For more information on this calf idol, see the notes on 3:4, 5 and 8:5.
10:9, 10 For information on “the days of Gibeah” see the note on 9:9 or read Judges 19 and 20. The “two furrows” means the double iniquity or two sins on the land. Gibeah stands for cruelty and sensuality as in Judges, and for rebellion as in Saul’s day (Gibeah was Saul’s hometown; see 1 Samuel 10:5; 11:4).
10:12 Hosea repeatedly uses illustrations about fields and crops. Here he envisions a plowed field. It is no longer stony and hard; it has been carefully prepared, and it is ready for planting. Is your life ready for God to work in it? You can break up the unplowed ground of your heart by acknowledging your sins and receiving God’s forgiveness and guidance.
10:13 The Israelites were taken in by the lie that military power could keep them safe. Believers today sometimes fall for lies. Those who lead others astray often follow these rules: Make it big; keep it simple; repeat it often. Believers can avoid falling for lies by asking: (1) Am I believing this because there is personal gain in it for me? (2) Am I discounting important facts? (3) Does this conflict with a direct command of Scripture? (4) Are there any biblical parallels to the situation I’m facing that would help me know what to believe?
10:14 Some say Shalman was Shalmaneser, king of Assyria; others say Shalman was Salmanu, a Moabite king mentioned in the inscriptions of Tiglath-pileser. Shalman had invaded Gilead around 740 B.C. and destroyed the city of Beth-arbel, killing many people, including women and children. This kind of cruelty was not uncommon in ancient warfare. Hosea was saying such would be Israel’s fate.
10:15 Because Israel had put its confidence in military might rather than in God, it would be destroyed by military power. Israel’s king, who had led the people into idol worship, would be the first to fall. Divine judgment is sometimes swift, but it is always sure.