Revelation 15 Study Notes

15:1 The seven last plagues are also called the seven vial judgments. They actually begin in chapter 16. Unlike the previous plagues, these are universal, and they will culminate in the abolition of all evil and the end of the world.

15:3, 4 The song of Moses celebrated Israel’s deliverance from Egypt (Exodus 15). The song of the Lamb celebrates the ultimate deliverance of God’s people from the power of Satan.

15:5-8 This imagery brings us back to the time of the Exodus in the wilderness when the Ark of the Covenant (the symbol of God’s presence among his people) resided in the Tabernacle. The angels’ garments are reminiscent of the high priest’s clothing, showing that they are free from corruption, immorality, and injustice. The smoke that fills the Temple is the manifestation of God’s glory and power. There is no escape from this judgment.

15:8 John saw the Temple filled with the glory and power of God. The key to God’s eternal glory and power is his holiness (4:8). God’s glory is not only his strength but also his perfect moral character. God will never do anything that is not morally perfect. This reassures us that we can trust him, yet it places a demand on us. Our desire to be holy (dedicated to God and morally pure) is our only suitable response. Our eternal reign with Christ won’t begin until all evil is destroyed by his judgment. We must wait for his timetable to be revealed.