References on Section I


ASHLEY: The Origin of Property in Land. London; 1892.

LAVELEYE: Primitive Property. London; 1878.

WHITTAKER: The Taxation, Tenure, and Ownership of Land. London; 1914.

PREUSS: The Fundamental Fallacy of Socialism. St. Louis; 1908.

GEORGE: Progress and Poverty; and A Perplexed Philosopher.

MARSH: Land Value Taxation in American Cities. N. Y.; 1911.

FILLEBROWN: A Single Tax Handbook for 1913. Boston; 1912.

YOUNG: The Single Tax Movement in the United States. Princeton; 1916.

SHEARMAN: Natural Taxation. N. Y.; 1898.

MATHEWS: Taxation and the Distribution of Wealth. N. Y.; 1914.

CATHREIN: Das Privatgrundeigenthum und seine Gegner. Freiburg; 1909.

FALLON: Les Plus-Values et l'Impot. Paris; 1914.

NEARING: Anthracite. Philadelphia; 1916.

HAIG: Final Report of the Committee on Taxation of the City of New York; 1916.

The exemption of Improvements from Taxation in Canada and U. S.; 1915.

Some Probable Effects of Exemption in City of New York; 1915.

KELLEHER: Private Ownership. Dublin; 1911.

Proceedings of the 1913 Meeting of the American Economic Association.

U. S. COMMISSIONER OF CORPORATIONS: Reports on the Lumber, Petroleum, Steel, and Water Power of the United States.

SELIGMAN: Essays in Taxation; Shifting and Incidence of Taxation; and Progressive Taxation in Theory and Practice.

Also the works of Taussig, Devas, Carver, Pesch, King, Vermeersch, Willoughby, and the Commission on Industrial Relations, all of which are cited at the end of the introductory chapter.