The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
- Aboriginal Australians
- acequias
- acrolein
- architecture, oldest-known examples
- Afghanistan War
- Africa
- agricultural revolution
- air pollution
- Alaska. See also specific locations
- Alaska Native Language Center
- Alaska Natives. See also Yup’ik people
- Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
- Alberto, Jessie
- Albrecht, Glenn
- all-Black airborne unit, smokejumping and
- All We Can Save (Johnson and Wilkinson)
- Almeda Fire (2020)
- Amazonian oil-waste pits
- Amazon Watch
- American Museum of Natural History
- American Psychological Association
- American Zoologist
- Amsterdam
- Anastasia Island
- Anchorage
- Anders, Carlene
- Angola
- animals
- domestication of
- homes built by
- Annapolis
- Annapolis City Dock
- Annapolis State House
- Antarctic ice sheets
- anthropologists
- Apostolic church
- Appalachia
- aquaculture
- aquifers
- archaeologists
- Arctic
- Ards Peninsula
- argon
- Arizona
- Arnold, Joshua
- Arrhenius, Svante
- arsenic
- Asian Pacific Environmental Network
- aspen
- Association of Village Council Presidents
- asthma
- atmosphere. See also carbon emissions
- as commons
- heat energy and
- outer edge of Earth’s
- August Complex Fire (2020)
- Australia
- Avatar (film)
- Avenida Menendez
- Aydemir, Fatma
- Ayuluk, Katie
- back burning, as firefighting tool
- Bahamas
- barrier islands
- basin wild rye
- Bates, Nat
- Bayview Hunters Point
- Beach, Jessica
- Beasts of the Southern Wild (film)
- Bed I site, Olduvai Gorge
- Belgium
- Belonging (hooks)
- beloved community
- benzene
- Berea, Kentucky
- Bering Sea
- Berkeley
- Bernton, Hal
- Berry, Wendell
- Berryland
- Bethel, Alaska
- bicycle infrastructure
- birds
- birth defects
- bitterbush
- Black communities
- environmental movement and
- Fort Mose and
- Great Migration and
- home and
- housing discrimination and
- pollution and
- New Orleans and
- redlining and
- Richmond and
- rural farming and
- St. Augustine and Hurricane Matthew and
- uprooting and displacement of
- urban homes and
- Black cowboys
- Black Crescent
- Black farmers
- Black feminists
- blackfish
- Black history
- Catholicism and
- reenactments and
- Spanish history and
- Black Lives Matter
- Black Panthers
- blizzards
- Bloomberg, Michael
- Blue Lake
- Boisvert, Adam
- Bonney Lake
- borders
- Boston
- Freedom Trail
- historic preservation and
- boundaries
- BP
- breakwaters
- Brewster, Washington
- Bridge of Lions, St. Augustine
- Bridgeport, WA
- Bristol Bay
- British colonists
- British Columbia
- British Conservative Party
- British Department of the Environment
- British Parliament
- Brooks, Alison
- Broward County
- buckbrush (Ceanothus)
- buildings
- retrofitting historic
- permafrost loss and
- building codes
- Burbank, Luther
- Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
- burials. See also cemeteries
- Burnt Ramen (recording studio)
- Cadiente, Romy
- California. See also Richmond, California; and specific climate events; and locations
- cap-and-trade and
- Covid and
- droughts and
- excess heat in Arctic and
- heat waves and
- refineries and
- wildfires and
- Calusa people
- Camp Fire (2018)
- camps
- and first humans
- and nomadic peoples
- Canada
- Canadian tar sands
- cancer, fossil fuel pollution and
- cap-and-trade
- Cape Canaveral
- Cape Cod
- Cape Hatteras National Seashore
- Cape Wind
- capitalism
- Carabalí culture
- carbon dioxide
- atmospheric concentrations of
- climate change and
- feedback loops and
- as greenhouse gas
- permafrost
- carbon emissions
- burning of fossil fuels and
- cap-and-trade to limit
- Chevron and
- cities and
- corporations and
- defined
- EU carbon market and
- inequality and
- IPCC on
- ocean volume and
- permafrost and
- prediction of climate change from
- refineries and
- regulation of
- sea level rise and
- time lag after reduction of
- carcinogens
- Caribbean
- Carl, Charlene
- Carl, George
- Carl, Lucy
- Carlton, Washington
- Carlton Complex Fire (2014)
- disaster recovery after
- Prichard tour of
- Swedberg and
- Carlton Complex Long Term Recovery Group
- Carnegie, Andrew
- Carter, Jimmy
- Casa Monica Resort
- Cascade Mountain Range
- Cassidy, John
- Castillo de San Marcos
- Catholic church
- cave paintings
- Cedar Keys (island group)
- Cedar Key (town)
- cedars
- cemeteries
- Center for Public Integrity
- Central and West Coast Groundwater Basins of Los Angeles
- Central Valley
- Charles, Jeffery
- Charles, Lisa Tom
- Charles, Paul
- Chauvet Cave
- cheatgrass
- Chelan, Washington
- chemical weapons. See also toxic chemicals
- Chernobyl plant
- Chevak, Alaska
- Chevron. See also Richmond Chevron Refinery
- Ecuador and
- child poverty
- children, pollution impacts and
- low birthweight babies
- China
- Christian Aid Ministries
- chromium, pollution and
- cities, permaculture and
- citizens, redefined as consumers
- civil disobedience
- Civil Rights Act (1964)
- civil rights movement
- Civil War
- Clackamas River
- class action lawsuits
- clean cars
- clear-cut logging
- climate change. See also flooding; fossil fuels; global warming; hurricanes; permafrost loss; sea level rise; wildfires; and specific climate events; and locations
- 2018 and
- Albrecht’s lexicon of
- best case scenario and
- cities and
- commons and
- corporate disinformation and
- corporate responsibility for
- crisis of home
- denial and
- early humans and
- early predictions of
- economic cost of
- environmental justice and
- feedback loop and
- fossil fuels and
- grassroots power and
- Hansen’s warnings on
- health catastrophe
- hope and
- ice melt and
- intangible losses and
- mental health and
- neoliberalism and
- ocean expansion and
- Ostrom on strategies to address
- outer edge of Earth’s atmosphere
- Pacific Northwest and
- preserving the future and
- public health and
- rainfall and
- real estate and
- relocation and
- renewal and
- rootedness and
- solastalgia and
- speed of
- urban gardens and farms and
- wildfires and
- worst case scenario for
- climate grief
- climate migrants. See also Newtok, Alaska
- climate strikes
- cloudberries or salmonberries
- coal
- coal-fired plants
- coal mining
- coastal communities. See also St. Augustine; and other specific localities
- Coast Range Mountains
- Cold Climate Housing Research Center
- Cold Springs Fire (2020)
- collective, sense of
- Colombia
- Colorado River Aqueduct
- Columbia River
- Columbus, Christopher
- Colville Reservation
- commons
- boundaries and
- managing as shared resource
- tragedy of
- communism
- Communities for a Better Environment
- community gardening and farming. See also Urban Tilth
- communities of color
- Bernie Sanders’s discussion of
- Covid and
- climate risks and
- displacement and
- European racial diversity and
- housing discrimination and
- Kaiser shipyards and
- mainstream environmental organizations and
- polling on climate change and
- polluting facilities and
- composting
- Coney Island
- Confederated Tribes of the Colville
- Conkey, Margaret
- Connecticut
- Contra Costa County
- Cooke, Aaron
- cooperation
- Coquina Park
- coquina piers
- coquina (stone)
- coral fossils
- corporations
- Correa, Rafael
- cottonwoods
- Covid pandemic
- Cox, Sally Russell
- crack cocaine
- Craig, Lisa
- crime
- crop cultivation
- crop failure
- Cuba
- culture and heritage, losses related to climate change
- cyclones. See also hurricanes
- Dakota Access Pipeline
- Davis Shores
- Deagan, Kathleen
- Decommissioning California Refineries (Karras)
- Defense Department
- democracy
- democratic socialists
- Desautel, Cody
- Dhaka
- Diamond, Jared
- Didion, Joan
- Diesel, Rudolph
- Dirty Hand of Chevron campaign
- disaster assistance
- disaster case managers
- disaster chaplains
- disaster recovery
- disaster response, racial inequity and
- disaster volunteers
- displaced communities
- disturbance ecology
- Dodman, Thomas
- Donziger, Steven
- door dams
- Dowling, Michael
- drip torch (tool)
- droughts
- Dura-Base
- Dutton, Andrea
- Duwamish River
- Early, Steve
- Earth, as unruly planet, defined
- Earth Emotions (Albrecht)
- earthquakes
- East African Rift Valley
- East Asian-Australasian Flyway
- eco-anxiety
- ecological grief
- ecology
- economic opportunity
- economics
- ecopsychology
- ecosystem
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- Eisenman, David
- El Cerrito, California
- elderberries
- elections of 2020
- Ellis Island
- El Salvador
- emotional well-being
- environmentalists
- environmental justice movement
- environmental melancholia
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- environmental scientists
- Eskimo, controversial nature of term
- ethical limits
- ethic of place
- Ethiopia
- eugenics
- Europe
- European Union
- Evia, Greece
- evolutionary theory
- Exxon
- Facebook
- Farm Your Lawn
- federal disaster declaration
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- Federal Housing Authority
- feedback loop
- Field Notes from a Catastrophe (Kolbert)
- Fienup-Riordan, Ann
- fire, ecological effects
- fire ecologists
- firefighters
- fire-readiness strategies
- First Street Foundation
- fisheries, as commons
- Flagler, Henry
- Flagler College
- flooding. See also sea level rise; St. Augustine; and other specific locations
- climate refugees and
- coastal
- FEMA buyouts and
- high tides and
- Hurricane Sandy and
- North Richmond pump station and
- nuisance
- Odisha, India and
- racial injustice and
- real estate losses and
- relocations and
- Room for the River project and
- storms and
- sunny-day
- floodplains, boundaries and
- Florida. See also St. Augustine; and other specific locations
- Black history and
- coastal flooding and
- colonial Spanish
- development of
- fantasy and
- hurricanes and
- Indigenous peoples and
- renewable energy and
- sea level rise and
- Florida Agricultural Museum
- Florida Keys
- Floyd, George
- fluorinated gases
- Foote, Eunice Newton
- foraminifera
- Ford Motor plant
- forest ecosystem
- ecological mosaic
- Forest Service
- Forks, Washington
- Fort Mose Historic State Park
- Fortune
- fossil fuel industry. See also Chevron and other specific companies
- fossil fuels
- breaking free of
- fracking
- France
- free market
- free riders
- Friends of the Earth
- frontline community
- Frost, Robert
- Fullerwood Park
- Fullilove, Mindy
- Gainesville, Florida
- Garza, Alicia
- gentrification
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- geologists
- German Ministry of the Interior
- Ghana
- glaciers
- ice core records and
- Global Climate Action Summit (West Coast climate-change meeting) (2018)
- global economy
- global warming. See also climate change; flooding; permafrost; sea level rise; wildfires; and other specific effects
- color scale and
- impact of, on sea levels
- Gomes, Mary
- good fire. See also prescribed fire
- Gore, Al
- Goren-Inbar, Naama
- Governing the Commons (Ostrom)
- Gracia Real de Santa Teresa de Mose
- grassroots activism
- gray water
- Great Depression
- Great Migration
- Great Plains tribes
- Great Recession
- Greece
- Greek Orthodox church
- green building
- greenhouse gases, defined. See also carbon emissions; methane
- green jobs
- Greenland
- Green Party
- gross domestic product (GDP)
- groundwater
- Guantánamo Province, Cuba
- Guardian
- Guardians of the Galaxy (film)
- Guatemala
- Gulf of Mexico
- Guthrie, Park
- Guthrie, Woody
- Haiti
- Hampshire College
- Hannah-Jones, Nikole
- Hansen, James
- Hardin, Garrett
- Harling, Will
- Harris, Kamala
- Harvard University
- Hawai‘i
- health problems, related to climate change
- hearths, oldest-known
- Heartland Institute
- heat waves
- of 2006
- of 2014
- of 2015
- of 2017
- of 2019
- of 2021
- racial injustice and
- Heimat (homeland)
- Heimweh (home-woe)
- Heritage at Risk tour
- hiraeth
- historic preservation
- Hofer, Johannes
- Hollywood, California
- Holocaust
- home
- bell hooks and
- belonging and
- boundaries and
- care of
- climate change and new sensibility about
- collective sense of
- defined
- Earth and ecosystem as
- human ancestors and
- hurricane damage and
- loss of
- meaning, symbolism, and social function of
- NIMBYism and
- possession and
- power of
- Yup’ik language and
- home bases
- homeless, intangible home and. See also houseless
- homemaking, human ancestors and
- homeownership
- home truth
- home waters
- home wind
- Homo erectus
- Homo habilis
- Homo heidelbergiensis
- Homo sapiens
- Honduras
- hooks, bell
- Horsey, David
- houseless
- rehousing
- Housing and Urban Development Department
- housing segregation
- Huchiun Ohlone villages
- human revolution
- hummingbirds
- hunter-gatherers
- Hunter River Valley
- hurricanes
- of 1846
- of 1896
- Andrew (1992)
- Black communities at disproportionate risk from
- climate refugees and
- Dorian (2019)
- flooding and
- Floyd (1999)
- Frances (2004)
- Irma (2017)
- Isabel (2003)
- Ivan
- Jeanne
- Katrina (2005)
- Matthew (2016)
- preparations for
- Sandy (2012)
- solastalgia and
- Wilma
- huts, earliest human
- Hutson, Travis
- hydrocarbons
- hydropower
- Hylton, Marty
- ice ages
- ice sheets
- identity
- identity politics
- Idle No More
- IJssel River
- India
- Indiana
- Indiana University, Bloomington
- Indigenous peoples. See also specific groups
- communal relocation and
- controlled fire and
- Ecuador and
- Florida and
- irrigation and
- languages and
- North Richmond and
- Industrial Revolution
- Innovative Readiness Training (IRT)
- Inside Climate News
- insurance, wildfires and
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- Interior Department
- Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
- International Organization for Migration
- Iowa
- Iraq War
- Iron Triangle neighborhood
- irrigation systems
- Isabella, Jude
- Isle de Jean Charles
- Israel
- Jackson, Michael (anthropologist)
- Jackson, Thomas
- Jacksonville, Florida
- Japan
- jarrah trees
- Jaws of Life
- Jérémie, Haiti
- jet stream
- Jewish refugees
- Jim Crow
- John, Andrew
- John, Bernice
- John, Mary
- John, Tom
- Juhasz, Antonia
- Jungle Book, The (Kipling)
- Kaiser shipyards
- Kalahari Desert
- Kanner, Alan
- Karras, Greg
- Katrina (Rivlin)
- Kayalivik River
- Keeping History Above Water conference
- 2016 (Newport)
- 2017 (Annapolis)
- 2019 (St. Augustine)
- Kenai Peninsula
- Kennedy, Robert F., Jr.
- Kennedy High School farm
- Kentucky
- Kenya
- Keys, Leslee
- Keystone XL pipeline
- khamsin winds
- Kimmerer, Robin Wall
- King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.
- king tides
- kinguneq (home)
- Kipling, Rudyard
- Kivalina, Alaska
- Klein, Naomi
- Klein, Richard
- Kodas, Michael
- Kolbert, Elizabeth
- Kongo culture
- KQED (public radio)
- Ku Klux Klan
- Kuskokwim River
- Lago Agrio oil pits
- Lagos
- Lake, Frank Kanawha
- Lake Maria Sanchez
- Landers, Jane
- land grabs
- land subsidence
- Laotian immigrants
- Latinx communities
- lead
- Leakey, Louis
- Leakey, Mary
- Leakey, Richard
- Lefebvre, Henri
- LeMay, Patrick
- Leon, Alfonso
- Leopold, A. Starker
- Leuschen, Tom
- levees
- libraries
- lightning
- Lime Belt Fire (2015)
- Lincoln School Farm
- Lincolnville neighborhood
- Lloyd, William Forster
- localism
- lodgepole pines
- Long, Denver
- Long Beach, California
- long-term recovery group
- Lopez, Barry
- Los Angeles
- groundwater and
- Los Angeles Flood Control District
- Los Angeles Times
- Louisiana
- Louisiana Superdome
- Loup Loup Pass
- Lower Ninth Ward
- Lucero, Fred
- Lumley, Henry de
- MacDowell, Kate
- maladie du pays
- Malden, Washington
- Maldives
- Malthus, Thomas
- managed retreat
- Mandinga
- manganese
- as pigment used by early humans
- water pollutant, after wildfires
- Marathon company
- Marean, Curtis
- Mars
- Martinez refinery
- Maryland
- Mauna Loa observatory
- McCain, John
- McKibben, Bill
- McLaughlin, Gayle
- Mediterranean
- Megafire (Kodas)
- Menéndez, Francisco
- Menéndez de Avilés, Pedro
- Mennonite Disaster Service
- mental health, influence of environment on
- mercury
- Mertarvik, Newtok relocation to
- place name, meaning of
- Mertarvik Evacuation Center (MEC)
- methane
- Methow people
- Methow River
- Methow Valley
- Methow Wildlife Area
- Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
- Metzger-Traber, Julia
- Meuse River
- Mexican immigrants
- Mexico
- border
- communally managed forests of
- Miami
- Miami Beach
- Miami-Dade County
- Middlebury College
- Middle East
- Mina culture
- Minneapolis
- Mississippi River
- mistral
- Monbiot, George
- Monroe County
- monsoons
- Montagnais (Innu)
- Moroccan caves
- mortgage lending
- mountaintop removal
- Mount Rainier
- Mount Tamalpais
- Movement Generation Justice and Ecology Project
- Muir, John
- Mulhouse (city-state)
- multispecies mortality event
- Murdoch University
- Musée de Préhistoire de Terra Amata
- museums
- Musk, Elon
- Namibia
- Nantucket
- Nasheed, Mohamed
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
- National Climate Assessment
- National Flood Insurance Program
- National Guard
- National Hurricane Center
- National Institute of Building Sciences
- National Museums of Kenya
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- National Park Service
- National Register of Historic Places
- nativism
- Nazi ideology
- Neanderthals
- Nebraska
- Nelson Island
- neoliberalism
- Neolithic Revolution
- Nepal
- nests
- Netherlands
- Nevin Park sit-in
- Newcastle, Australia
- New Deal
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New Orleans
- Newport
- New Smyrna, Florida
- Newtok (Niugtaq), Alaska
- Covid and
- establishment of
- phrases for home in
- place name, meaning of
- relocation to Mertarvik
- Newtok Planning Group
- Newtok Traditional Council
- Newtok Village Council
- New York City
- Hurricane Sandy and
- New Yorker
- New York Times
- Magazine
- New Zealand
- Nice
- Nicholl Park
- nickel, as pollutant
- Nigeria
- NIMBYism
- Ningliq (Ninglick) River
- Nirex
- nitrous oxide, as greenhouse gas
- nor’easters
- Norse Peak
- North American Vertical Datum
- North Carolina
- North Cascades National Park
- North Cascades Smokejumper Base
- Northern Ireland
- North Richmond Farm
- North Star Fire (2015)
- Norwegian Refugee Council
- nostalgia
- Nube, Mateo
- nuclear holocaust
- nuclear power
- nuisance flooding
- Oakland
- Oakwood Beach
- Obama, Barack
- obsidian
- ocean acidity
- ocean currents
- ocean warming. See also sea level rise
- ochre pigment
- Odisha, India
- offsets policies
- offshore wind turbines
- Ogallala Aquifer
- oil and gas industry. See also fossil fuels; Richmond, California; and specific companies
- cap-and-trade and
- Covid and
- disinformation and
- Richmond and
- oil pipelines
- oil spills
- Okanogan Complex Fire (2015)
- Okanogan County. See also Carlton Complex Fire; Cold Springs Fire; Okanogan Complex Fire; Palmer Fire; Pearl Hill Fire; Tripod Fire
- Okanogan County Long Term Recovery Group
- Okanogan River
- Old Kayalivik
- Olduvai Gorge
- Olympic Peninsula
- Omak, Washington
- Omak Lake
- On Fire (Klein)
- open-cut mining
- Oregon
- Oregon Forestry Department
- Oreskes, Naomi
- Ostrom, Elinor
- Ostrom, Vincent
- Othering and Belonging Institute
- Pacific Coast Highway
- Pacific Northwest
- PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)
- Palm Beach County
- Palmer Fire (2020)
- Paradise, California
- Paris Climate Agreement
- Pasayten Wilderness
- Pateros, Washington
- Smoke and Reflections exhibit
- water towers
- Pateros-Brewster Long Term Recovery Organization
- Pateros fire department
- PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)
- Pearl Hill Fire (2020)
- peat fires
- permaculture
- permafrost collapse
- Perth, Australia
- pesticide companies
- Petro, Pamela
- Philippines
- Phillips
- Pine City, Washington
- place attachment
- placemaking
- pluralism
- Point Richmond
- pollen
- ancient, study of, in lake sediments
- pollution. See also air pollution; toxic chemicals
- Ponce de Leon Hall
- ponderosa pines
- population growth
- Portland, Oregon
- post-traumatic stress disorder
- Potts, Richard
- poverty
- vulnerability to disasters and
- prescribed fire
- “Preserving Paradise” presentation
- Prichard, Susan
- privatization
- property law
- ProPublica
- protests
- against Chevron
- against Dakota Access Pipeline
- against nuclear waste
- against Keystone XL pipeline
- Black Lives Matter and
- California climate justice march, of 2018
- civil rights movement
- climate strikes, of 2019
- over Richmond Chevron refinery fire
- Nevin Park
- reparations and
- protest movements
- proto-homes
- psychoterratic experience
- public good
- public health
- public transit
- Pueblo people
- Puget Sound
- Pulido, Tania
- pump stations
- Queens, New York
- Quileute Tribe, relocation of
- racial covenants
- racial discrimination
- racial segregation
- racism
- radioactive materials
- Radio Free Richmond
- RCF Connects (formerly Richmond Community Foundation)
- real estate industry
- Rearden, Alice
- Redfin company
- redlining
- refineries. See also Chevron; Richmond Chevron Refinery
- refugees
- climate change and
- eighteenth-century Europe and
- from colonial slavery
- Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
- regulatory violations
- renewable energy
- resiliency planning
- respiratory illness
- risks from fossil fuel pollution and
- crowding and
- homesickness and
- Reuters
- Revere, Paul
- Rhine River
- Rhino (tool)
- Rich, Adrienne
- Rich City Rides
- Richmond, California
- Black Lives Matter and
- class action suit and
- Covid and
- Ecuador and
- elections of 2004
- elections of 2006
- elections of 2014
- elections of 2020
- environmental justice and
- fossil-fuel politics of
- grocery stores in
- grassroots power and
- museum and library
- soils and
- urban gardens and farms and
- worker-owned co-ops and
- Richmond Annex
- RichmondBUILD
- Richmond Chevron Refinery
- activists rally vs.
- decommissioning study of 2020
- explosion of 1989
- fire of 1999
- fire of 2007
- fire of 2012
- fire of 2018
- flares
- history of
- lawsuit vs.
- modernization plan
- 110th anniversary
- resistance to
- RCF Connects and
- settlement of 2018 and
- taxes and
- Richmond City Council
- Climate Emergency declaration of 2018
- elections of 2004
- elections of 2006
- elections of 2014
- elections of 2020
- lawsuit vs. Chevron and
- Richmond Civic Center
- Richmond Community Foundation (later RCF Connects)
- Richmond Confidential
- Richmond Greenway
- Richmond High School
- urban gardening and farming and
- Richmond middle school farm
- Richmond Museum of History
- Richmond Proud campaign, Chevron’s
- Richmond Standard news site
- Richmond tanker truck fire
- Ridley, Nicholas, Baron of Liddesdale
- Right to the City Alliance
- Rio Tinto company
- Rising Eagle Fire
- Rising (Rush)
- Rivlin, Gary
- Robinson, Doria
- Robinson, Kathy
- Rockefeller, John D.
- Rocky Hull Fire (2000)
- Rodeo Phillips 66 refinery
- Room for the River project
- rootedness
- “root shock” and displacement, Mindy Fullilove’s concept of
- Rosie the Riveter WW II Home Front National Historical Park
- Roszak, Theodore
- Rothstein, Richard
- Rubio, Marco
- Rush, Elizabeth
- Russia
- Rust Belt
- “Safe Operating Space for Humanity, A”
- sagebrush-steppe
- Sanders, Bernie
- San Francisco
- climate-change meeting and
- San Francisco Bay Area
- activism and
- communities of color and climate risks in
- Covid and
- fires and
- Great Migration and
- heat waves and
- sinking of land in
- toxic waste and
- San Francisco Chronicle
- San Juan Islands
- San Marco Square and Cathedral
- San people
- Santa Ana winds
- Santa Fe Railroad
- Sassaman, Ken
- Schulz, Kathryn
- Science
- Scientific American
- Scotch Creek Wildlife Area
- Scott, Rick
- seafood-eaters, first known
- sea ice
- sea level rise. See also St. Augustine; and other specific locations
- coral fossils and
- graph of
- historic preservation and
- seal hunting
- seal oil
- Seattle
- wildfires and
- Seattle Times
- seawalls
- Seminole Tribe
- seminomadic traditions, among Yup’ik people
- Serengeti Plain
- Seven Years’ War
- Severn River
- sewage
- Shaver, Nancy
- shell mounds
- Shell Oil
- Sherman Creek Wildlife Area
- Shishmaref village, Alaska
- Shock Doctrine, The (Klein)
- shorefast ice
- Sicily
- Sierra Club
- Sierra magazine
- Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Sinlahekin Wildlife Area
- slavery
- Smith, Najari
- Smoke and Reflections exhibit
- smokejumping
- social Darwinism
- socialism
- social justice
- sod houses
- soil, as ecosystem
- soil contamination
- soil testing
- soil reclamation
- solar energy
- solastalgia
- Solastalgia (album)
- soliphilia
- topophilia vs.
- Soto, Andres
- South Africa
- South Carolina
- Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact
- Soviet Union
- Spain, cooperative irrigation in
- Spanish Florida
- Spanish flu
- Spanish Military Hospital Museum
- Spokane reservation
- Sri Lanka
- Stafford, Rob
- Standard Oil
- Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
- Stanford University
- Staten Island
- state socialism
- Statue of Liberty
- St. Augustine
- Black history and
- carbon emissions policy and
- flooding and sea level rise in
- founded
- historic preservation and
- Hurricane Dorian and
- Hurricane Irma and
- Hurricane Matthew and
- water table and
- St. Augustine Freedom Trail
- St. Augustine Record
- Stetson University
- St. George, Carolina
- St. John’s County, Florida
- Stokes Fire (2014)
- stone tools
- storms
- St. Paul Island, Alaska
- Stranger
- Suisun Bay
- sumbiosity
- Sunrise Movement
- Superfund sites
- Supran, Geoffrey
- sweat lodges
- Swedberg, Dale
- Swiss Alps
- symbolic reasoning
- Tacoma, Washington
- Tallahassee Democrat
- Tanzania
- Tattersall, Ian
- Terra Amata site
- terraforming
- Texaco
- Texas disaster of 2020
- Thatcher, Margaret
- thermoluminescence
- Third Chimpanzee, The (Diamond)
- Thirtymile Fire
- Thirty Years War
- This Changes Everything (Klein)
- Three Mile Island meltdown
- threshold, defined
- Thunberg, Greta
- tidal energy generation
- tidal flooding
- tidal gates
- Timber Wars
- Time
- Timucua people
- tobacco farming
- toluene
- Tom, Brittany
- Tom, Lisa. See Charles, Lisa Tom
- Tom, Nathan
- Tom, Stanley
- Tonasket, Washington
- topophilia
- tornadoes
- Tovar House
- toxic chemicals
- “Tragedy of the Commons, The” (Hardin)
- tree rings
- tree seedlings
- Tripod Complex Fire (2006)
- tropical storms
- Trump, Donald
- Tschakert, Petra
- tsunamis
- Tuan, Yi-Fu
- Tunk Block Fire (2015)
- Twisp, Washington
- Twisp River Fire (2014)
- Two Lectures on the Checks to Population (Lloyd)
- Tyranny of Oil, The (Juhasz)
- Ukpeaġvik Iñupiat Corporation
- Unangan people
- Uninhabitable Earth, The (Wallace-Wells)
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- Union Pacific railroad
- United Kingdom (U.K.)
- United Nations
- High Commissioner for Human Rights
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- U.S. Air Force Reserve
- U.S. Air National Guard
- U.S. Army
- Corps of Engineers
- National Guard
- U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
- U.S. Congress
- U.S. Department of the Interior
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. Forest Service
- U.S. Geological Survey
- U.S. Marine Corps
- U.S. Marine Forces Reserve
- U.S. Military Academy
- U.S. Naval Academy
- University of Alaska, Anchorage
- University of Alaska, Fairbanks
- University of Basel
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- University of Exeter
- University of Florida, Gainesville
- University of Washington
- University of Western Australia
- University Press of Florida
- uprooting, human communities and
- urban development
- urban gardens and farms. See also Urban Tilth
- Urban Tilth
- Utah
- Waal River
- Waldie, D. J.
- Wales
- Wallaby Farm
- Wallace-Wells, David
- Wallow Fire (2011)
- Walsh, Bryan
- Warlpiri people
- Washington, George
- Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Washington State. See also specific locations; and wildfires
- fires and
- heat waves and
- water bomber plane
- waterless toilets
- Water Replenishment District of Southern California
- water reservoirs
- water scoopers
- watersheds
- water supply
- water table
- waves
- “Weather It Together” campaign
- Wenatchi people
- West, Lindy
- West Antarctic ice sheet
- West Coast climate-change meeting (2018)
- West County Toxics Coalition
- Western Anabaptist Mission Services
- wetlands
- white flight
- “White Seal, The” (Kipling)
- wildfires. See also prescribed fire and good fire; and specific fires; and locations
- wildflowers
- wildlife
- Wilkerson, Isabel
- Williams, Jerry
- Williams Flats fire (2019)
- wind power
- winds
- Winthrop, Washington
- Wirth, Michael
- Wolfe, Jenny
- Wolff, Tobias
- World Bank
- World War II
- Yale University
- Yamassee Nation
- YES! magazine
- Yosemite National Park
- “Your Homeland Is Our Nightmare” (Eure Heimat ist unser Albtraum)
- Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge
- Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta (Y-K Delta)
- Yup’ik Eskimo Dictionary
- Yup’ik people