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(r. = regnal dates of leading rulers)
Abbas I, ruler of Persia (r. 1588–1629), 508
Abd al-Malik I Saadi, Abu Marwan, 506
Abelin, Johann Philipp, 610
absolutism, 491, 526, 562, 582–3, 590
academies, 214
Academy of the Lynxes, 188, 192, 194
Acapulco, 166
Acontius, Jacob, 442
Acosta, José de, 180, 467, 470
in Restraint of Appeals (1533), 384
of Annexation, 456
of Supremacy (1534), 384
of Union (1536), 252
adiaphora, 437
Adriatic, 502
Adventurers Act (1642), 664, 673
Aelian, 558
‘Affair of the Placards’, 361
Africa, 25, 28, 30, 105, 163, 166
Agnadello, Battle of (1509), 275
Agricola (Georg Bauer), 102–3
agriculture, 73–8
Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius, 196, 228, 229
Aguado, Francisco, 608
Ahmed I, Sultan (r. 1603–17), 510
Ahmed Pasha, Melek, 645
Aïguesmortes, 292
Alais, Peace of (1629), 567, 602
Álava, Francés de, 562
Alba, duke of. See Álvarez de Toledo, Fernando
Albada, Aggaeus van, 411
Albert VII, archduke of Austria, 570, 572, 581, 582
Albrecht Achilles, margrave of Brandenburg, 314
Albrecht III, duke of Saxony, 322
Albrecht V, duke of Bavaria, 446
Albrecht, duke of Brandenburg, 329–30
Albuquerque, Afonso de, 157
Alcácer-Quibir, Battle of (1578), 422, 507
alchemy, 4, 102, 197, 201–5, 230
Alciato, Andrea, 235
Francesco, 509
Pietro, 504
Aleppo, 515
Alexander VI, Pope (r. 1492–1503), 560
Alfonso II (‘Alfonso of Aragon’), king of Naples (r. 1494–5), 271
Ali Pasha, Müezzinzade, 506
Allen, Robert, 90
Allensbach, 675
Allerheim, Battle of (1645), 618
Allstedt, 343
Almadén, 107–8
Álmosd, 510
Alpino, Prosper, 190
Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 214
Altmark, Truce of (1629), 617, 646
Altopascio, 82
Alumbrados. See ‘Illuminists’
Álvarez de Toledo, Fernando, duke of Alba, 400
Alveld, Augustin, 5
Ambleside, 69
Amboise, Peace of (1563), 401
Ambras, 193
European expansion in, 152, 153, 154
gold, 105
migration to, 70
naming of, 231–2
See also New Spain; New World
American Indians, 168
and debates about slavery, 169–71
See also Guaraní; Maya; Tupinambá
Amicable Grant, 270
Amiens, 316
Amsdorf, Nikolaus von, 348
Amsterdam, 58, 64, 68, 116, 238, 373, 374, 412, 519, 639, 641
Anabaptists, 340, 342, 349, 372–3, 378, 591
and community of goods, 349
and persecution, 350
in Moravia, 349
in the Netherlands, 376
in Transylvania, 382
Melchiorites, 378
Anatolia, 645
anatomy, 200, 208, 214, 225, 254
Ancona, 512
Andalusia, 125, 141, 628, 629, 631
Andes, 108
Andreae, Johann Valentin, 179–80, 206
Androuet du Cerceau, Jacques, 290
Anguissola, Alessandro, 569
Anhalt, Christian of, 587
Aniello (‘Masaniello’), Tommaso, 631
Anne Jagiellon, queen of Poland (r. 1575–86), 280
Anne of Austria, queen (r. 1615–43) and regent (r. 1643–51) of France, 601, 634, 637
Anti-Remonstrants, 575
anti-Trinitarianism, 359, 366, 382, 498, 565
in Poland, 450
in Transylvania, 450
Antonio, Dom, prior of Crato, 422
Antwerp, 68, 104, 249, 256, 353, 373–4, 397, 413, 564
‘French Fury’ in, 415
merchants of, 117
‘Spanish Fury’ in, 413
Apian, Peter, 236
apothecaries, 186
Aragon, 622
Araucanian war, 418
Archimedes, 223
Arcimboldo, Giuseppe, 192
Arctic Ocean, 175
Ardres, Peace of (1546), 270
Aretino, Pietro, 30
Ariosto, Ludovico, 285
Aristotle, xxvii, 2, 3, 4, 121, 169–7, 180–81, 191, 195, 213, 216–17
See also philosophy
Armada, 125, 140, 393, 419, 425
Armentières, 86
See also mutiny; warfare
in England, 658–9
Arminius. See Hermanszoon [Arminius], Jacob
Arnauld, Marie-Angélique, 639
Arques, Battle of (1589), 431
Astrakhan, 173
astronomy, 218, 200, 220, 222–3, 255
Atjeh, 157
atlases, 254
Auger, Edmund, 407
Interim (1548), 437
Peace of (1555), 349, 380, 440–41, 484, 580, 592, 598
August (Augustus) I, elector of Saxony (r. 1553–86), 447
Austria (the Austrian Habsburg monarchy), 84, 145, 441–8, 564, 581–91, 642–3
Auvergne, 43
Ávila y Zúñiga, Luis de, 348
Ávila, St Teresa of, 482
Ayamonte, Antonio de Zúniga y Sotomaior, marquis of, 628
Aylmer, John, 306
Azerbaijan, 502
Azores, 165
Azpilcueta, Martín de, 119
Aztecs, 467
Babington Plot, 425
Bacon, Francis, 9, 28, 139, 180, 200, 208, 210, 215–16, 227, 229
Baden-Durlach, margrave of, 592
Balearics, 570
Balhorn, Johann, 248
Baltasar Carlos, 642
Baltic, 13, 52, 54, 59, 71, 82, 145, 175, 597, 611
Balzac, Guez de, 533
Bamberg, 45, 57, 138, 212, 614
Bantam, Bay of, 158
Barbados, 160
barbarians, notions of, 161, 168, 170, 176, 183, 518, 663
Barbaro, Daniele, 187, 228, 229
Barbary states, 298
Treaty of (1529), 274
Barclay, William, 433
Barwälde, Treaty of (1631), 613
Basel, 118, 187, 195, 203, 205–6, 241, 311, 327, 366, 375, 382, 465
Basta, Giorgio, 510
Bastwick, John, 657
Batenburg, Jan van, 378
István, 379
Batih, Battle of (1652), 653
Bauer, Georg. See Agricola
Caspar, 187
Johannes, 190
Bavaria, 45, 57, 328, 346, 446, 539, 591
Bay, Michel de, 486
Bayeux, 143
Bayonne, 405
Bazán, Álavaro de, marquis of Santa Cruz, 140
Beard, Thomas, 671
Beatis, Antonio de, 315
Beaufort, François de Vendôme, duke of, 637
Beaulieu, Peace of (1576), 401, 408
Beauvais, 639
Béda, Noël, 360
Bedford, Francis Russell, 4th earl of, 546
Beeckmann, Isaac, 224
‘beggars’ (gueux), 399
Beijing, 224
Belarus (White Russia), 448
Eustache du, 485
Guillaume du, 291
Joachim du, 251
Benedictines, 352
Benolt, Thomas, 131
Berestechko, Battle of (1651), 653
Bergen-op-Zoom, 593
Bergerac, Peace of (1577), 401, 408
Bergh, Hendrik van den, 622
Protestant Reformation in, 338–40
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 490
Berwick, 656
George, 167
Henry, 63
Béthencourt, Jacques de, 59
Beyer, Hartmann, 348
Bèze (Beza), Théodore de, 394, 433
Biandrata, George, 382
Bible, 5, 7, 316, 325, 327–8, 355, 361, 380–81, 397, 490
Biel, Gabriel, 326
Bila Tserkva, Battle of (1651), 653
Billingsley, Henry, 199
bills of exchange, 117
Binche, 123
biological transfers, 25
Biron, Charles de Gontaut, duke of, 580
Black Sea, 502
Black, David, 458
Blahoslav, Jan, 381
blasphemy, 397
Blois, 290
Ordinance of (1579), 49
Blount, Henry, 520
Bocksai, István (Steven), prince of Transylvania (r. 1605–6), 510, 585
Bodenstein von Karlstadt, Andreas, 336, 338
Bodenstein, Adam von, 205
Bodin, Jean, 46, 121, 266–7, 304, 415, 520, 529–30, 540
Boeckbinder, Gerrit, 376
Bogotá, 470
Bohemia, 145, 379, 567, 572, 583, 586, 587, 594
and the Holy Roman Empire, 311
Confessio Bohemica, 584
impact of the Protestant Reformation in, 383
‘Renewed Constitution’, 591
Bologna, 13, 67, 76, 187, 192, 216, 245, 484
Bolotnikov Rising, 97
Bombastus von Hohenheim, Philip Theophrastus. See Paracelsus
Bontius, Jakob, 162
books, 246–54
Borghese, Scipione, 535–6
Borgia, Cesare, 275
Borromeo, Carlo, 477, 486, 494, 531
borrowing, 115–16
botanical gardens, 187, 192, 215
Bouillon, Frédéric Maurice de La Tour d’Auvergne, duke of, 601, 633
Antoine de, king of Navarre (r. 1555–62), 404, 427
Armand, prince of Conti, 318
César de, duke of Vendôme, 633
Charles, Cardinal de, 425, 430
Charles III, duke of, 274
François de, count of St Pol, 274
Louis de, count of Soissons, 633
Louis I de, prince of Condé, 142, 402
Louis II de, prince of Condé, 629, 677
Condé, Henri, prince of, 408, 581
See also d’Orléans, Gaston; Henry IV; Louis XIII; Louis XIV
Bourdeille, Pierre de, 289
Bourgeois, Marin le, 556
Bourke, Ulick, earl of Clanricarde, 664
Bradford, John, 436
Bradshaw, William, 438
Braganza, John duke of (John IV, king of Portugal, r. 1640–56), 264, 628
Brahe, Tycho, 60, 180, 199, 218
Brandenburg, 83, 281, 311, 473, 595, 599, 615, 675
Brandon, Charles, duke of Suffolk, 270
Brazil, 29, 107–8, 154, 162, 169, 192, 469, 594, 622
Breitenfeld, Battle of (1631), 618; (1642) 559
Brentford, 667
Bresse, 578
Bristol, 667
Broecke, Pieter van den, 159
Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross, 207
Brouage, 517
Brouwer, Adriaen, 44
Brueghel (the Elder), Pieter, 399, 400
Brünn, 380
Brunswick-Lüneberg, Christian, duke of, 592–3
Brussels, 68, 131, 261, 400, 417, 576, 581, 616
Bucer, Martin, 114, 326, 327, 364, 372, 385, 464, 465, 472
Buchanan, George, 458
Buckingham, George Villiers, duke of, 604, 659
Bugenhagen, Johann, 321
Bugey, 578
buildings, 177
Bullinger, Heinrich, 340, 365, 472
Burton, Henry, 657
Butler, James, duke of Ormonde, 664
cabinets of curiosities, 193, 241, 243
Cabral, Francisco, 467
Cabrières, 369
Cade, Jack, 91
Cajetan, Cardinal. See Vio, Tommaso de (Cardinal Cajetan)
calendar reform, 218, 223, 446, 490
Calepino, Ambrogio, 230
Calicut, 165
Calvin, Jean, 12, 114, 207, 253, 306, 361–4, 367, 371, 432, 472
in France, 402
in Scotland, 455–9
in the Holy Roman Empire, 447, 580
in the Netherlands, 400, 414, 455, 575
Cambrai, 237
Camões, Luís de, 124
Campanella, Tommaso, 5, 46, 179, 202
Campanelle, 94
Canada, 26
Canton, 223
Cape of Good Hope, 157
capital, 118
Capito, Wolfgang, 327
‘capitulations’, 513–14
Cardano, Girolamo, 197–8
Carew, George, 572
Carmelites, 482
Carnesecchio, Pietro, 357
Carpathians, 126
Carranza de Miranda, Bartolomé, 356
Cartesono, Gioseffo, 481
cartography, 25, 31, 159, 231, 232, 233, 234, 255, 419, 502
siege of, 604
Casas, Bartolomé de las, 154, 170–71, 182
Casaubon, Méric, 202
Caspian Sea, 173
Castile, 77, 135–6, 417, 622, 624, 629
Catalonia, 22, 42, 63, 622, 626, 627–9, 640
Cateau-Cambrésis, Peace of (1559), 417, 561
Catherine de Médicis, queen (r. 1547–59) and regent (r. 1560–63; 1574) of France, 201, 287, 289, 403, 404, 422, 431, 485, 538, 561
Catherine of Aragon, queen of England (r. 1509–33), 280, 384
Catherine, duchess of Braganza, 422
Catholic League (la Ligue Sainte), 115, 424, 426–31
Catholic Reformation, 357, 476
See also Counter-Reformation
Caussin, Nicolas, 608
celibacy, 132
Cellini, Benvenuto, 273
Cephalonia, 514
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 124
Cesalpino, Andrea, 192
Cesi, Federico, 188
Ceský Krumlov, 41
Chabot, Guy, count of Jarnac, 134
Chambers of Rhetoric, 374
Chancellor, Richard, 177
Chantal, Jeanne de, 483
Charlemagne, 12
Charles Emmanuel, duke of Savoy (r. 1580–1630), 531, 552, 564, 569, 578, 589
Charles I, king of England, Scotland and Ireland (r. 1625–49), 23, 131, 206, 546–7, 576, 604, 638, 654–7, 661–2, 665–73
Charles II, king of England, Scotland and Ireland (r. 1660–85), 23, 673
Charles V, ruler of the Netherlands (1506–55), king of Spain (Carlos I, r. 1516–56) and emperor (r. 1521–55), 11, 14, 167, 170, 223, 233, 245, 259, 267–8, 276–7, 286, 291–2, 294, 301, 345, 352, 374–5, 384, 535
and the Habsburg dynasty, 278–4
characteristics of rule, 284–5
Diet of Worms, 332–3
election as emperor, 260, 281, 313, 334
imperial myth of, 277–9, 284–5
Charles VIII, king of France (r. 1483–98), 270–71, 290, 560
Charles IX, king of France (r. 1560–74), 401, 404, 406, 439, 507, 562
Charles IX, king of Sweden (r. 1604–7), 561
Charron, Pierre, 210
Châteaubriant, Edict of (1551), 369
Châtillon (Castellio), Sebastian, 366
Cheke, John, 385
Chemnitz, Bogislav Philipp von, 616
Cherbury, Lord Herbert of, 560
Cherler, Johann Heinrich, 190
Cherruyer (var. Cherruyl), Jean, seigneur de Malestroit, 120
Chesapeake Bay, 511
Fabio, 504
Chile, 421
China, 48, 66, 107–8, 157, 223, 255
Chios, 506
chivalry, 123–5
cholera, 25
ambivalence towards money, 101
and chivalry, 123–4
and cosmology, 4
and imperium, 151
and the Ottoman empire, 297–304
irenicist dreams for, 566
Martin Luther and, 6–7
material foundation of, 41–6
political fragmentation of, 259–60
project of, 675
sacral landscape of, 315
schism in, 308–9
universalist ideals of, xxvi–xxix, 151
Christian commonwealths, 14–17, 18–21, 32, 87, 127, 391, 465, 528, 534, 600, 647
and absolute princely authority, 22
and myths of nationhood, 435
and religious conflict, 391–4
Christian I, elector of Saxony (r. 1586–91), 447
Christian II, king of Denmark and Norway (r. 1513–23) and Sweden (1520–21), 267
Christian III, king of Denmark and Norway (r. 1534–59), 292
Christian IV, king of Denmark and Norway (r. 1588–1648), 596–7
Orthodox, 172, 175–6, 448, 453, 499, 505, 565, 650
See also Christendom
Christina, queen of Sweden (r. 1632–54), 142
Church, xxvii–xxviii, 7–8, 276, 478, 488
and discipline, 394, 465, 471–6
and excommunication, 438, 465, 475
and missions abroad, 466–71
and state, 18–19
in Germany, 350
in Scotland, 455–9
in the Netherlands, 451–61
material fabric of, 147, 463–4
reform, and reinvigoration of, 259–60, 276, 309, 351, 476–83
Uniate, 453
See Council of Trent; Counter-Reformation; Presbyterians
Arminian, 454
Calvinist, 400
clandestine, 454
‘separatist’, 461
‘stranger’, 382
Cibo, Catarina, 478
Cisneros, Francisco Jiménez de, Cardinal, 328
Claesdochter, Wendelmoet, 374
Clement VII, Pope (r. 1523–34), 71–2, 245, 273, 304, 488, 562
Clement VIII, Pope (r. 1592–1605), 453, 490, 504, 508, 510, 587
Clément, Jacques, 430
Cleves, 292
Cleynaerts, Nicolas, 167
climate, 24, 27, 60–62, 629, 639, 645, 652, 668–9, 676–7
clothes, 243
Clough, Richard, 398
cloves, 165
Cluj-Napoca, 382
coal, 103
Cockson, Thomas, 1
Coelho, Nicolau, 154
Coen, Jan, 158
coffee, 159
Coiffier de Ruzé, Henri, marquis de Cinq-Mars, 531
Coligny, Gaspard de, 404–7
Collalto, Rombaldo, 598–9
collecting, 187, 201, 215, 223
College of Cardinals, 488–9
Cologne, 67, 205, 249, 312, 316, 580, 617
Colombia, 166
in Ireland, 145
in the Far East, 159–61
Portuguese, 147
utopian writings, 180
Fabio, 188
Ferrante, 478
Marc’Antonio, 507
Vittoria, 478
Columbian Exchange, 25
See also biological transfers
Hernando, 167
comets, 185
commerce, 25, 32, 60, 62, 64, 107, 512–18, 594, 596, 654
communication, 222, 227, 229, 272, 253–5, 256
See also letters; postal services; printing
Compiègne, Treaty of (1624), 605
Concepción, 421
Conciliar Movement, xxviii, 259
Concini, Concino, 537
Concordat of Bologna (1516), 465
confessionalization, 393
confessions, 345, 349–50, 392, 584
confraternities, 317, 469, 480
Connecticut, 160
Constantine, Donation of, 308
Constantinople, xxvi, 9, 301, 496, 500, 514–15, 644–5, 651
consumption, 117–18
Gasparo, 479
contracts (asientos), 109
Contzen, Adam, 607
convents, 482
conversos, 354
Coornhert, Dirck Volckerstzoon, 121
Copernicanism, 218–22
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 119, 216–18
Corbie, 635
Córdoba, 124
Corfu, 304
Cork, 663
corsairs, 125, 263, 299, 301, 409, 425, 512–13, 515
Corvinus, Matthias, 264
Coryat, Thomas, 234
Cosimo I, duke of Tuscany (r. 1537–69), 192, 233, 540
Cosimo II, duke of Tuscany (r. 1609–21), 219
cosmography, 200
cosmology, 4, 185, 199, 202, 224, 230
Cossacks, 97, 174, 263, 453, 508, 543–4, 649–51
Council of Trent, 48, 301, 385, 417, 560
Counter-Reformation, 34, 202, 476, 582–3, 593
Court of Heralds, 131
Court of Wards and Liveries, 133
Cranfield, Lionel, 544
Cranmer, Thomas, 384–5
Cremona, 67
Crépy, Peace of (1544), 300, 347
Crespin, Jean, 370
Cretan War, 524
Crimea, 509
Oliver, 23, 559, 664, 668, 671, 673
Thomas, 384
Crusade, xxvii, 9–12, 299–301, 506–7, 511–12
Cruz, Pantojà de la, 418
Cuba, 640
cuius regio, eius religio, 440
Cumará, 170
Cumbria, 71
cabinets of curiosities, 193, 241, 243
Cuzco, 157
Cysat, Renwald, 61
Czech Unity of Brethren, 381–3, 449
Czechowic, Martín, 450
d’Aerssen, François, 580
Dalmatia, 10
Dalmatin (Dalmata), Anton, 381
Dan, Pierre, 517
Danfrie, Philippe, 45
Danti, Vicenzio, 540
d’Aquino, Bartolomeo, 630, 631
d’Aubigné, Agrippa, 600
Davies, Sir John, 146
‘Day of Dupes’ (1630), 610, 633
day-labourers, 43
Defensores, 586–7
Delft, 415
Della Casa, Giovanni, 124
demography, 27, 35, 46–8, 50–53, 62–4, 67–8, 71–2
and migration, 70–72
and settlement patterns, 41–6
diet, 64
Denmark, 52, 464, 541, 595, 597, 611, 650
Descartes, René, 3, 41, 210, 224–6, 254
Désiré, Artus, 371
Desmarets de St-Sorlin, Jean, 634
Devon, 130
Dexa, Lope de, 62
Dieppe, 430
Diets of the Holy Roman Empire, 313, 582, 608
Augsburg (1518), 315, 330; (1530), 345, 347
Regensburg (1541), 347; (1613), 586; (1623), 592; (1640), 618; (1641), 619
Speyer (1526), 99, 350; (1529), 345; (1570), 508;
Dillenburg, 410
Dinkelsbühl, 313
Diodati, Élie, 221
Djerba, 421
Dolce, Ludovico, 30
Dôle, 635
domain landlordism, 33, 35, 92, 144–8
Dominicans, 8, 153, 261, 331, 453, 466, 477
Doni, Anton Francesco, 67
Dorchester, 438
Doria, Andrea, 273, 274, 285, 303
d’Orléans, Gaston, duke, 611, 622, 633, 638
Dózsa, György, 98
dragomen, 501
Drake, Sir Francis, 182, 420, 425, 555
Dresden, 205
Du Chesne, Joseph, 206
Du Moulin, Charles, 287
Dubrueil, Toussaint, 578
Dumoulin, Charles, 114
Dunbar, Battle of (1650), 673
Dundee, 458
Duplessis-Mornay, Philippe, 224, 411, 433, 574, 576, 600
Dutch Republic, 1, 22, 111, 114, 115, 159, 233, 262, 541, 547, 550–51, 573–4, 599, 605, 622, 639, 640, 672
overseas empire of, 156, 158–9, 161
‘public’ Church in, 454
Dutch Revolt, 57, 94, 147, 398–400, 410–16
dynastic rule, 14, 264, 267, 269, 277, 418, 526, 646–7, 653–4
Habsburg–Valois rivalry and, 292–6
women and, 304–7
East Anglia, 43
East India Company
English, 27
Ebernburg, 341
Ebersdorf, Treaty of (1634), 616
Eck, Johannes, 331
Eden, Richard, 234
Edgehill, Battle of (1642), 667
of Restitution, (1629), 598, 612
Edmondes, Sir Thomas, 566, 576
education, 210, 212–13, 237–8, 246
and the Jesuits, 481
of Protestant clergy, 473
Edward VI, king of England and Ireland (r. 1547–53), 198, 385
Edwards, Thomas, 670
Eger, 615
Ehrenbreitstein, 642
Einsiedeln, 203
Eisleben, 105
Elba, 570
Eleanor of Austria, queen of Portugal (r. 1518–21) and France (r. 1530–47), 561
Elisabeth of Valois, queen of Spain (r. 1559–68), 296, 561
Elizabeth I, queen of England and Ireland (r. 1558–1603), 154, 156, 177, 200–201, 296, 306–7, 360, 386, 389, 410, 424, 459, 460, 472, 514, 538, 545, 561
Elizabeth (Stuart), queen of Bohemia (r. 1619–20), 576, 589
eloquence, 240
Emanoil (‘the Tyrant’), Aaron, 509
Emmanuel-Philibert, duke of Savoy (r. 1553–80), 296
England, 59, 87, 90, 554, 573, 587, 604, 654, 665, 680
after the Civil War, 670–74
and peace with Spain, 574
Church in, 654, 658–60, 667, 670
Civil War, 23, 57, 141, 180, 524, 654, 665–70
engraving, 2, 67, 210, 215, 247, 253, 256, 335, 396
Erasmus, Desiderius, 9, 12, 239, 241–2, 252, 325, 360, 391
Erastus, Thomas. See Lüber, Thomas
Ercilla, Alonso, 418
Erfurt, 321
Eriksson, Gustav, 266–7
Ernst (of Austria), Archduke, 584
Ernst of Bavaria, elector prince archbishop of Cologne, 487
Escorial, 418
Eskrich, Pierre, 397
Robert Devereux, 2nd earl of, 113, 574
Robert Devereux, 3rd earl of, 667
Estates General of France, 414
Blois (1588), 429
Orléans (1560), 403
Paris (1593), 430
Henri, 209
Esztergom, 497
Europe, idea of, xxviii–xxix, 24–31
experiments, 196
Fabri de Peiresc, Nicolas-Claude, 192, 240, 242
Fabricius, David, 60
factories, 159–60
Fail, Noël du, 237
Fairfax, Ferdinando, 2nd Lord, 668, 671
Family of Love, 462
Far East, 26–7, 156–60, 162, 163
Farel, Guillaume, 359, 360, 364
Faret, Nicolas, 569
farmers. See peasants
Farnese, Alexander, duke of Parma, 414, 430, 557
Faustus, Dr, 197
Felton, John, 604
Ferdinand, king of Aragon, Valencia and Sicily (r. 1479–1516), king of Castile and León (r. 1479–1516), 264, 271, 278, 280
Ferdinand I, archduke of Austria (r. 1521–64), king of Bohemia and Hungary (r. 1526–64), emperor (r. 1558–64), 84, 267, 281–2, 303, 331, 333, 345, 348, 417, 441, 485, 498
Ferdinand II, archduke of Austria (r. 1619–37), king of Bohemia (r. 1617–37), Hungary (r. 1618–37) and emperor (1619–37), 444, 581–2, 587–8, 607, 614, 617
Ferdinand III, archduke of Austria (r. 1637–57), king of Bohemia (r. 1627–57), Hungary (r. 1625–57) and emperor (r. 1637–57), 589, 618, 650
Feria, Gómez Suarez de Figuera, 3rd duke of, 625
Fernández de Oviedo, Gonzalo, 155
Fernando, Don, Cardinal Infante, 625
Ferrari, Battista Giovanni, 191
feuding, 139
Ficino, Marsilio, 196
Field of the Cloth of Gold (1520), 270, 562
finance, 109–10, 114–16, 118–19
Flacius, Matthias, 442
Flaminio, Marcantonio, 357
Flanders, 1, 109, 398, 406, 410, 626, 635, 640
Spanish army in, 413, 419, 523, 556, 573, 623, 625, 629–30
Fletcher, Giles, 177
Florence, 67, 86, 89, 192, 219–20, 271, 285, 500
Fontaine, Nicolas de la, 367
Four Years War (1521–6), 272
Foxe, John, 247, 386, 435, 461
France, 22, 47–8, 52, 68, 104, 115, 286–9, 271–3, 303, 487, 514, 539, 542, 547–8, 549, 591, 606, 615, 628, 631–9, 642, 664
See also Frondes
Francis I, king of France (r. 1515–47), 14, 130, 152, 244, 273, 289–92, 303, 304, 561
Francis II, king of France (r. 1559–60), 304, 403
Franciscans, 8, 163, 315, 466, 470, 477, 478
François (de Valois), duke d’Alençon and d’Anjou, 407, 415
Frankenhausen, 98
Frauenburg, 216
Frederick III, duke of Schleswig- Holstein, 223
Frederick III (‘the Wise’), elector of Saxony (r. 1486–1525), 322, 330, 345
Frederick V, elector of the Rhine Palatinate (r. 1610–23) and king (Frederick I) of Bohemia (1619–20), 550, 589, 590, 614
Frederik Hendrik, Prince of Orange (r. 1625–47), 640
Froben, Johann, 327
Frobisher, Martin, 167
Fróis, Luís, 255
Frondes, 22, 550, 611, 637, 638, 639
Fuenterrabía, 626
Fuentes, Pedro Henriquez d’Azevedo y Alvarez de Toledo, Count, 571
Fugger (merchants in Augsburg), 108, 203, 243
Fulda, 446
furs, 177
Galicia, 628
Galileo Galilei, 5, 188, 210, 218–21, 242, 254, 491
Gallas, Matthias, 619
Gallus, Nikolaus, 348
Gans, Johannes, 607
Gardie, Magnus Gabriel de la, 142
Gardiner, Stephen, 384
Gasca, Pedro de la, 170
Gascony, 266
Gassel, Lucas, 102
Gassendi, Pierre, 240
Gattinara, Mercurio Arborio de, 13, 283
Gautiers, 94
gazettes, 108, 146, 188, 272, 609
Geer, Louis de, 556
Gemma Frisius, Regnier, 232
genealogy, 54, 55, 129–31, 146
Geneva, 306, 359, 364, 366–7, 369, 371
Genoa, 46, 109, 115, 273, 513, 548, 556, 571, 573, 576, 594, 623
geography, 232–3
See also cartography; globes
George, duke of Saxony (r. 1500–1539), 314, 345
Germany. See Holy Roman Empire
Gerritz, Hessel, 231
Gerson, Jean, 326
Gessner, Conrad, 191
Geyger, Johannes, 224
Ghent, 68, 97, 373–4, 398, 413
Gheyn, Jacob de, 558
Ghisi, Teodoro, 192
Ghislain de Busbecq, Ogier, 519
Giberti, Juan Matteo, 357, 360
Gilbert, William, 199–200
Ginés de Sepúlveda, Juan, 170
Giovio, Paolo, 519
Glasgow, 458
Gloucester, 667
Gnesio-Lutherans, 437
Goa, 157, 160, 164–5, 255, 468, 471
Godwin, Francis, 222
Goens, Rijkloff van, 162
Göllersdorf, 614
Gonçalves da Câmara, Luis, 478
Gonçalves, Diogo, 468
Gondomar, Diego Sarmiento de Acuña, Count, 570
Charles, duke of Nevers, 512, 599
Federigo, duke of Mantua, 285
Ferrante, 299
Giulia, 357
Maria, 599
González de Nájera, Alonso, 421
Goodman, Christopher, 306, 432
George, marquess of Huntly, 655
James, marquess of Montrose, 665
Goslicki, Wawrzyniec, 533
Gouda, 411
Gouge, William, 436
Gracián y Morales, Baltasar, 569
grain, 62, 71–9, 119, 175, 177
‘Grand Remonstrance’ (1641), 661
Gravelines, 636
‘Great Contract’ (1610), 544
Great Peasant War (1524–6), 84, 93, 341–3
Greenland, 596
Gregory XIII, Pope (r. 1572–85), 233, 488, 490
Gregory XIV, Pope (r. 1590–91), 489
Gregory XV, Pope (r. 1621–3), 489
Grey Leagues (Grisons), 262, 310, 340, 571
See also Valtelline
Grien, Hans Baldung, 254
Grimmelshausen, Hans Jakob Christoffel von, 620
Grimston, Harbottle, 656
Grindal, Edmund, 461
Groningen, 375
Grotius, Hugo, 122, 153, 155, 510, 575
guaiacum, 204
Guanajuato, 105
Guaraní 169
Guérin, Wiriot, 50
Guéroult, Guillaume, 67
Francesco, 46, 274, 275, 519, 602
Ludovico, 67
Guipúzcoa, 626
Henri II, duke de, 631
Gustav II Adolf, king of Sweden (r. 1611–32), 131, 559, 599, 604, 611–16, 618, 646
Gustav Vasa, king (Gustav I) of Sweden (r. 1523–60), 350, 464
Guyenne, 626
Guzmán, Gaspar de. See Olivares, count-duke
Habsburg empire
Austrian. See Austria
Spanish. See Spain
Haga, Cornelius, 515
Hagendorf, Peter, 620
Hall, Joseph, 658
Haller, Berthold, 338
Hamburg, 207, 596, 598, 604, 608
Hannover, Nathan Nata, 651
Harborne, William, 514
Harrington, James, 121
Thomas, 241
William, 64
Harry, George Owen, 130
Hart, William, 462
Hartlib, Samuel, 180, 230, 241, 679
Hartman, Jan, 454
Harvey, William, 192, 206, 226
Hatzfeld, Melchior von, 559
Heath, James, 654
Hedio, Caspar, 327
Heidelberg, 205, 207, 322, 327, 592
Heilbronn League (1633), 615–6
Hein, Piet Pieterszoon, 162, 640
Henderson, Alexander, 655
Hennenfeld, 45
Henrietta Maria, queen of England, Scotland and Ireland (r. 1625–49), 657, 666
Henry II, king of France (r. 1547–59), 292–3, 295, 370, 401
Henry III, king of Poland (r. 1573–4) and France (r. 1574–89), 134, 138, 405, 407, 409, 428, 430, 451, 536, 647
Henry IV, king of Navarre (r. 1574–1609) and France (r. 1589–1610), 115, 206, 406, 424, 427, 430–31, 509, 538, 552, 553, 557, 564, 565, 569, 578, 580–81, 582
Henry VIII, king of England and Ireland (r. 1509–47), 120, 269–70, 280, 305, 309, 382, 384, 463, 533
Henry, Cardinal, king of Portugal (r. 1578–80), 422
Hepburn, James, earl of Bothwell, 305, 306
Herberle, Hans, 675
Herberstorff, Adam von, 98
Hercules, 216, 281, 291, 576, 577, 581, 622
Hermanszoon [Arminius], Jacob, 575
Hernández, Francisco, 190, 192
Herrera, Antonio de, 181
Landgrave Philip of, 314
Hevelius, Johannes, 61
Hinduism, 164
Hogenberg, Frans, 67
Holbein, Hans, 236
Holland, 398, 410–12, 414, 455, 551, 575–6, 633, 640
States of, 410, 414, 574, 575, 640
Hollar, Wenceslaus, 609
Holy League (against the Ottomans), 10, 505, 506
Holy Roman Emperor, 211, 259, 281
Holy Roman empire, xxvi–xxvii, 12–14, 68, 312, 314, 334, 340, 586–7, 589–90, 598–600, 605, 608
and the Catholic League (1628–32), 641
and the early Protestant Reformation, 334, 340, 345
and the Edict of Restitution (1629), 567, 598, 612, 617
and the Peace of Augsburg (1555), 441–8
and the Peace of Prague (1635), 616, 617, 618
and the Peace of Westphalia (1648), 642–3
constitution of, 310–15
Homburg, 350
Hormuz, 157
Hornchurch, 71
hospitals, 70
houses, 42–3
Howard, Thomas, duke of Norfolk, 460
Hubmaier, Balthasar, 342
Huguenots, 401, 402, 403, 408, 409, 410, 600, 601, 602, 603, 632
humanists, 2–3, 18, 28, 87, 113, 130, 228, 231, 392, 418
and knowledge, 229
and language, 251
and natural history, 186
and religion, 389
Hungary, 11, 43, 44, 52, 75, 95, 126, 238, 298, 302, 383, 390, 444, 497, 508, 509, 510, 583, 585, 591
nobility in, 137
Hurons, 469
Hutten, Ulrich von, 341
Hutter, Jacob, 349
Ibrahim I, Sultan (r. 1640–48), 645
Iceland, 595
‘Iconoclastic Fury’, the, 398
idolatry, 207
Illésházy, István, 585
‘Illuminists’, 355
images, 336–7
Index of Prohibited Books, 355, 490
India, 117, 157, 159, 164, 190
Indonesia, 164
influenza, 50
See also communication; intelligencers; pamphlets; printing
Ingolstadt, 331
Innocent X, Pope (r. 1644–55), 491, 518
Innsbruck, 444
Inquisition, 124, 125, 171, 197, 237–8, 252, 261, 353, 375, 399, 164, 220–21, 329., 434, 469, 489, 535
instruments, 222–3
Inverkeithing, Battle of (1651), 673
Ireland, 92, 145, 263, 543, 654, 655, 661, 673
Confederate Wars (1641–53), 654, 664, 670
Isabel Clara Eugenia, archduchess, 430, 572, 622
Isabella I, 264
Isabella, Archduchess, 131
Istanbul. See Constantinople
Italian Wars, 270–77
Italy, xxvii, 1, 47–8, 52–4, 60, 629
Ivan III, grand prince of Muscovy (r. 1462–1505), 173
Ivan IV, grand prince of Muscovy (1533–47) and tsar of all the Rus (1547–65), 85, 173, 176–7
Ivry, Battle of (1590), 431
Jacobszoon, Walter, 412
Jagiellon, Catherine, queen of Sweden (1568–83), 561
Jakarta, 158
James I, king of Scotland (James VI, r. 1567–1625) and England (r. 1603–25), 9, 59, 134, 138, 146, 215–16, 305, 457, 527, 536, 540, 565, 573–4, 576, 589, 602
Jamestown, 156
Jankau, Battle of (1645), 559, 618
Janssens (Jansenius), Corneille, 486
Jarnac, Battle of (1569), 405, 420
Java, 164
Jeanne d’Albret, queen of Navarre (r. 1556–72), 402, 405–6, 427, 601
Jerez, Francisco, 180
Jerusalem, 9, 12, 29, 124, 301, 479
Jesuits, 8, 162, 191, 220, 230, 453, 477, 462, 479–81, 528, 582–3, 593, 607, 648, 651
and Christian missions, 255, 466
Jews, xxvii, 81, 116, 328, 351, 381, 454, 501, 628, 651
anti-Semitism, 328
Ashkenazim, 449
Karaite, 449
Sephardic, 142
Joachim of Fiore, 500
Joanna, queen of Castile and León (r. 1504–55) and Aragon (1516–55), 264, 267, 278, 280
Johann Casimir, count palatine of Simmern, 447
Johann Frederick, elector of Saxony (r. 1532–47), 383
Johann Georg, elector of Saxony (r. 1611–56), 617
Johann Mauritz, prince of Nassau-Siegen, 169, 192
Johann VI, count of Nassau, 446
John II Casimir, king of Poland (r. 1648–68), 648
John III, king of Portugal (r. 1521–57), 305
John the Constant, elector of Saxony (r. 1525–32), 345, 350
John Zápolya, voivode of Transylvania (r. 1511–40) and king of Hungary (r. 1526–40), 264, 299, 302–3
John Sigismund Zápolya, voivode of Transylvania (r. 1556–71) and king of Hungary (r. 1556/9–71), 498
Johnston, Archibald, 655
John-William, duke of Cleves, Jülich and Berg, 580
Joinville, 425
Jonson, Ben, 536
Josselin, Ralph, 669
Lienhard, 372
Ursula, 372
Jud, Leo, 339
Jülich-Cleves succession dispute, 566, 581, 586
Julius II, Pope (r. 1503–13), 103, 269, 275, 283, 503
Julius, duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, 205
Junta de Reformación, 623
Jüterbog, Battle of (1643), 619
Kappel am Albis, 339
Kappel wars, 440
Karl II of Austria, Archduke, 444, 581–2
Kassel, 207
Kelley, Edward. See Talbot, Edward
Kent, 71
Kepler, Johannes, 199–200, 219, 223–4, 566
Kern, Leonhard, 620
Kežmarok, 381
Khmelnytsky, Bohdan, 23, 651–3
Kiev, 175
Kildare rebellion, 92
Kipper-und Wipperzeit, 120
Kircher, Athanasius, 192
Kirkby Malham, 132
Klis, 263
Knäred, Peace of (1613), 566, 596
Knights of Malta (of St John of Jerusalem), 301
Knipperdollinck, Berndt, 377
Köbel, Jacob, 44
Kodak, 649
Komenský (Comenius), Jan Amos, 680
Koniecpolski, Aleksander, 651
Korsun, Battle of (1648), 651
Krell, Nikolaus, 447
Kutná Hora, 105
Kysil, Adam, 649
La Bicocca, Battle of (1522), 272
La Capelle, 635
La Force, Jacques Nompar de Caumont, duke of, 601
La Rochelle, 56, 408, 517, 602, 604
Laertius, Diogenes, 2
Laínez, Diego, 481
François, 350
John, 132
Lamoral, count of Egmont, 398
Lamormaini, Wilhelm, 598, 607, 615, 617–18
Lancelot de Voisin, Henri, sieur de La Popelinière, 409
land enclosure. See agriculture
landless labourers, 81–2
Landrecies, 635
Landriano, Battle of (1529), 274
Lang, Hans Conrad, 676
language, 250–53, 380, 448, 470, 480
Albrecht, 201
Laud, William, 654, 657, 658–9
laudanum, 204
and slavery, 169
property and use rights, 79
Le Bret, Cardin, 531
Le Clerc du Tremblay, François, 511, 632
Le Coullon, Jean, 49
Le Roy, Louis, 28
League of Cambrai (1508), 275, 283
war of (1511–16), 272
Lefèvre d’Étaples, Jacques, 360
Leganés, Diego Mexia, marquis of, 622
Leicester, Robert Dudley, 1st earl of, 574
Leicestershire, 74
Leiden, 211, 411, 471, 551, 568, 679
Leinster, 663
Leisnig, 337
Leith, 456
Leix (county Laois), 145
Leo X, Pope (r. 1513–21), 103, 274, 322, 329–30, 562
Leopold V of Austria, Archduke, 580
Lepanto, Battle of (1571), 125, 505–7
Lérida, 629
Lerma, Francisco Gómez de Sandoval y Rojas, count of, 571
l’Escluse, Charles de (Carolus Clusius), 187
Lesdiguières, François de Bonne, duke of, 601
L’Estoile, Pierre de, 134
letrados, 135
Letter of Majesty (1609), 585, 588
letters, 241–4
‘Levellers’, 670
l’Hôpital, Michel de, 403
libraries, 250
Liège, 68
Ligozzi, Jacopo, 192
Lilburne, John, 671
Lima, 246
Lippomano, Luigi, 450
Lipsius, Justus, 558, 568–9, 574
Lisbon, 68, 107, 108, 167, 422
Livonian War (1558–83), 57, 85, 176
Lobkowitz, Zdenek von, 587
locality, xxvii–xxviii, 16, 17, 32, 34, 80, 83, 90, 678
Lodi, 82
Lohelius, Johann, 588
London, 64, 87, 117–18, 177, 180, 230, 236, 519, 661, 666, 670, 672
Peace of (1514), 269; (1604), 564
Long Turkish War (1593–1606), 504, 510, 524, 542, 556, 582–4, 588
Longjumeau, Peace of (1568), 401
López de Gómara, Francisco, 119, 161
Lorraine, 57, 71, 266, 294, 296, 615, 643
Charles, cardinal of, 402, 483, 485
Philippe-Emmanuel de, duke of Mercoeur, 511
René II, duke of, 231
Lorraine-Harcourt, Henri de, 635
Lotzer, Sebastian, 342
Louis II, king of Hungary and Bohemia (r. 1516–26), 264, 280, 282
Louis XII, king of France (r. 1498–1515), 276, 315
Louis XIII, king of France (r. 1610–43), 226, 517, 533, 537, 560, 566, 601, 608, 627, 632–5
Louis XIV, king of France (r. 1643–1715), 631, 639, 642
Louise de Savoie, regent of France (r. 1515, 1525–6, 1529), 360
Louviers, Charles, sieur de Maurevert, 406
Low Countries, 46, 47, 54, 59, 68, 206, 523, 643
See also Dutch Republic; Spanish Netherlands
Loyola, Ignatius, 477–9
Loyseau, Charles, 530
Lüber (Erastus), Thomas, 205, 465
Luberon, 45
Lubieniecki, Stanislas, 450
Ludanic, Wenceslaus, 380
Lüneburg, 675
Georg, duke of, 617
Lusatia, 599
Diet of, 585
Luther, Martin, 5, 6, 7, 113, 194, 247, 308–9; 319–23, 325–6, 329–330, 332, 336, 344, 350, 464
Lutter am Barenberge, Battle of (1626), 597
Lützen, Battle of (1632), 614
Lvov, 649
Lyon, 87, 90, 130, 238, 247, 370, 397
Peace of (1601), 564
Maastricht, 625
Macao, 159
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 46, 274, 275, 391, 558, 602
Madrid, 125, 572, 576, 626, 628
Treaty of (1526), 273
maestizen, 161
Maetsuyker, Joan, 160
Magdeburg, 56, 432, 598, 613, 620, 348
Magellan, Ferdinand, 234
magic. See natural magic
Malacca, 164
Mallorca, 622
Mangazeya, 174
Mannheim, 615
Manresa, 479
Mansfeld, Count Ernst von, 588–9, 592
Mantua, 59, 271, 562, 604–5, 625, 633
Vincenzo II Gonzaga, duke of, 599
Manuel I, king of Portugal (r. 1495–1521), 561
Manutius, Aldus, 241
Manz, Felix, 340
Marburg, Colloquy of (1529), 350
Marciano, Battle of (1554), 294
Marcourt, Antoine, 361
Margaret of Austria, governor of the Netherlands (r. 1507–15, 1519–30), 268, 278, 305
Margaret of Parma, governor of the Netherlands (r. 1559–67, 1578–82), 268, 398
Marguerite de Valois (‘la Reine Margot’), queen of Navarre (r. 1572–1615) and France (r. 1589–1615), 289, 406, 428, 578
Marguerite de Navarre, queen of Navarre (r. 1526–49), 360, 370
Maria of Austria, queen of Hungary (r. 1515–26) and governor of the Netherlands (r. 1531–55), 268, 305
Mariana, Juan de, 433
Marie de Médicis, queen (r. 1600–1610) and regent of France (r. 1610–17), 566, 578, 581, 600–601, 610, 632–3
Marignan, Battle of (1515), 272
Marillac, Louis de, 53
Marlowe, Christopher, 536
Marnix, Philip van, 411
Marot, Clément, 401
Marston Moor, Battle of (1644), 668, 671
marvels, 193
Mary I, queen of England and Ireland (r. 1553–8), 145, 270, 296, 306, 382, 385–6, 417
Mary of (Guise)-Lorraine, queen of Scotland (r. 1538–42), 386, 432, 455
Mary Stuart (‘Queen of Scots’), queen of France (r. 1559–60) and queen of Scotland (r. 1542–67), 304, 386, 397, 401, 424, 428, 456–7, 460
Massachusetts, 160
Massacre of St Bartholomew, 407, 423
mathematics, 44, 196, 199, 200, 202, 217–18, 221, 224, 232
Matte, Sebastiaan, 398
Matthias, king of Hungary (r. 1608–19), Bohemia (r. 1611–19) and emperor (r. 1612–19), 193, 510, 582, 584–8
Maurice, duke (r. 1541–7) and elector (1547–53) of Saxony, 347–8
Mauritius, 157
Mauritz of Nassau, prince of Orange (r. 1618–25), 224, 415, 557, 563, 570, 575, 640
Maximilian I, archduke of Austria (1493–1519), emperor (r. 1508–19), 173, 278, 280, 283, 310, 331, 552
Maximilian II, archduke of Austria (1564–76), king of Bohemia and Hungary (r. 1563–76) and emperor (r. 1564–76), 98, 192, 193, 444, 583–4, 586
Maximilian duke (r. 1597–1651) and elector (r. 1623–51) of Bavaria, 553, 556, 587, 592, 595, 613, 617
Mayenne, Charles de Lorraine, duke of, 424, 430
Mazarin, Jules, Cardinal, 143, 549–50, 607, 631, 634, 635, 637, 638
‘Mazarinades’, 611
Mazzolini da Prierio, Silvestro, 79
Mecca, 298
Mechelen, 551
Mecklenburg, 83, 597, 619, 675
Cosimo de’, duke of Florence (r. 1537–69) and grand duke of Tuscany (r. 1569–74), 285
Ferdinando de’, grand duke of Tuscany (r. 1587–1609), 36
Gian Giacomo de’, 294
See also Catherine de Médicis, queen; Marie de Médicis, queen
Medina Sidonia, Gaspar Guzmán, duke of, 628, 629
Medina, Bartolomé de, 108
Mediterranean, xxv, 10, 13, 42, 44, 48, 59, 60, 63, 68, 75, 109, 298–9, 501
Mehmed IV, Sultan (r. 1648–87), 645
Mehmed Pasha, Sokollu, 506
Melanchthon, Philipp, 194, 213, 345, 374, 437, 472
Melville, Andrew, 458
Mendoza, Bernardino de, 428, 563
mercantilism, 36, 532, 579, 677
Mercati, Michele, 192
mercenaries, 111
merchants, 116–17, 128, 160, 176–7, 230–31, 381
mercury, 204–5
Merian, Matthäus, 610
Mérindol, 369
Mesmes, Claude de, 642
Mexico, 26, 105, 108, 156, 161, 166, 170, 190, 192, 256, 421, 467, 470, 640
Michelangelo (Michelangelo Buonarotti), 36, 255, 478
microscopes, 188
Middleton, Thomas, 570
Milan, 9, 46, 67, 76, 82, 86, 104, 132, 197, 244, 271, 375, 477, 486–7, 625
Millau, 408
millenarianism. See religion
Milton, John, 663
Miranda, Francisco de, 624
Mirandola, 275
Mocha, 159
Modrzewski, Andrzej Frycz, 451
Moere, Pieter van der, 470
Mohács, Battle of (1526), 10, 98, 282, 302
Moldavia, 75, 497, 508, 509, 510
Moluccas, 233
‘monarchomachs’, 529
Monardes, Nicolás, 190
monasteries, 145, 324, 337, 350, 456, 463, 482
See also finance; gold; inflation; silver
Monnickendam, 374
Mons, 410
monsters, 181, 184, 193, 194, 226, 254
Edward, earl of Manchester, 556, 668
Richard, 659
Montaigne, Michel de, 3, 182, 209, 234, 250, 568
Monte Cassino, 352
Monte, Guidabaldo dal, 219
Montesinos, Antonio de, 153
Monteverdi, Claudio, 124
Montferrat, 599
Monti di Pietà, 116
Montjuïc, Battle of (1641), 627
Anne de, 57, 295, 402, 405, 536
Charlotte de, 581
Henri II, duke of, 141, 531, 611
Philip de, count of Horn, 398
Peace of (1622), 566
Montreuil, 270
Montrouge, 75
Montserrat, 479
Monzón, Treaty of (1626), 605
Morando, Bernardo, 142
Morea, 505
Morsztyn, Krzysztof, 450
Moscorovius, Jerome, 565
Moulins, 404
Muffet, Thomas, 206
Muhammad II Saadi, Abu Abdallah, 506
Mühlberg, Battle of (1547), 261, 293, 348, 365, 383, 385, 434
Muhlfort, Hermann, 337
Mühlhausen, 343
Mulcaster, Richard, 251
Mun, Thomas, 677
Treaty of (1619), 590
Munro, Robert, 556
Münster, 245, 376–7, 608, 636, 641, 663, 676
Münster, Sebastian, 30, 67, 69, 242
Murad III, Sultan (r. 1574–95), 514
Muscovy, 23, 31, 85, 173–4, 235, 508, 644, 645, 646
museums. See collecting
muskets, 556
mutiny, 413
Myddle, 71
Nadal, Jerónimo, 256
Nahua, 256
Nani, Battista, 99
Nanking, 223
Nantes, 48
Edict of (1598), 401, 564, 578–9
Naples, 5, 14, 22, 46, 67, 92, 95, 97, 99, 104, 117, 179, 273, 275, 299, 316, 357, 513, 622, 630–31
Justin [Justinus] of, 623
William of, lord of De Lek, 406
William Louis of, count of Nassau-Dillenburg, 557
natural magic, 4, 196, 199, 201, 202, 203, 228, 229
nature, 4, 7, 24, 28, 73, 102, 169, 185–6, 192–3, 197, 205, 209, 218
See also biological transfers; botany; landscape
navies, 421, 502, 505, 553, 555–6, 572, 596–7, 625, 629, 630, 666
See also corsairs; privateering
Nazari, Giovanni Battista, 501
Neenstetten, 675
Nemyriv, 651
Nenad (‘the Black’), Jovan, 302
Neo-Platonism, 195–6, 218, 229
Neuchâtel, 361
New Amsterdam (New York), 160
New England, 152
New Holland, 192
New Spain. See Mexico
New World, 13, 29, 70, 84, 111, 117, 120, 125, 166–71, 180–81, 231, 486
Newburn, 656
See also gazettes
Nice, 301
Nicéron, Jean-François, 226
Niclaes, Hendrik, 462
Nicolai, Nicolas de, 519
Nîmes, 90
Niño, Roberto, 11
Nobili, Robert de, 471
nobility, 23, 55, 123–5, 129–43, 173, 341, 498, 591, 633–4, 647
Nóbrega, Manuel de, 29
Nolasque, Pierre, 517
Nombre de Dios, 166
Nördlingen, Battle of (1634), 616
Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 4th duke of, 113
Northeast Passage, 177
Norwich, 86
Nostredame (Nostredamus), Michel de, 199–201
Noyon, 371
Peace of (1516), 272
Núñez Vela, Blasco, 170
Nuremberg, 45, 57, 68, 70, 87, 218, 237, 328, 343, 542, 614, 618
Ochino, Bernadino, 357–8
Oder, river, 73
Oecolampadius, Johannes, 327, 465
Offaly, 145
‘Office of Address’, 230
Okhotsk, 175
Oldenbarnevelt, Johan van, 574–5
Olivares, Gaspar de Guzmán, count-duke of, 45, 135, 548, 572, 575, 605, 621–9, 632
Olivétan, Pierre-Robert, 361
Olnesnicki, Nicholas, 449
Olomouc, 212
Ínigo Vélez de Guevara, count of, 588
Juan de, 420
O’Neill, Sir Phelim, 661
Opalinski, Łukasz, 647
Oporinus, Johannes, 205
oprichniki, 173
Oratory of Divine Love, 357
Order of Teutonic Knights, 145
Orlamünde, 338
Orléans, 403
Ormaneto, Nicolas, 487
Orta, Garcia da, 190
Ortelius, Abraham, 67
Ortiz de Matienzo, Juan, 169
Oruç Reis (Aruj), 263
Orzechowski, Stanislaw, 451
Osnabrück, 504, 596, 608, 641, 676
Ossuccio, 82
Ostend, 572
Ostrogski, Constantine, 453
Ostrzanin Uprising, 649
Otranto, 298
Ottoman empire, 9, 10, 11, 12, 117, 297–304, 442, 445, 496, 497–9, 504, 508–10, 513–14, 519–20, 650
Oudegherste, Pieter van, 116
Oudenaarde, 69
Oudot, Nicolas, 248
Overbury, Sir Thomas, 537
overseas empires, 151–66
Oxenstierna, Axel, 547, 613, 614, 615
Oxford, 211
Pachuca, 105
Padua, 186–7, 197, 273, 352, 357, 359
Palatinate (Rhine), 145, 446, 567, 614, 617, 654
Paleotti, Gabriele, 484
pamphlets, 32, 99, 330, 335, 411, 518, 610, 612, 624, 630, 677
Pamplona, 478
papacy, xxvi, 10, 28, 275, 300, 489–91, 527, 535, 538
Papal States, 14, 263, 275, 543
Pappenheim, Count, 613
Paracelsianism, 205–6
Paracelsus (Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim), 5, 203–4, 209, 228–9
Paradin, Guillaume, 81
Paraguay, 469
Pardye, William, 43
Paré, Ambroise, 58
Paris, 45, 68, 71–2, 87, 104, 169, 206, 211–12, 247, 249, 405–6, 429–31, 479, 528, 548, 634, 636–9
parochial visitations, 317, 350, 474–5, 487
Parker, Matthew, 459
Parliaments (in England), 90, 155, 385–6, 459–62
Long Parliament, 657, 660, 664–6, 669–73
Short Parliament, 655
Parmentier, Jean, 155
Particelli d’Emery, Michel, 636, 638
Pasquier, Étienne, 181, 250, 395, 429
patria, 14, 434–5, 451, 526, 558
Pau, 601
Paul III, Pope (r. 1534–49), 199–200, 300–301, 303, 358
Paul IV, Pope (r. 1554–6), 358, 484, 489
Paul V, Pope (r. 1605–21), 46, 491, 535–6
Battle of (1525), 273
peasantry, 33–4, 42–4, 51–6, 62, 64, 72–5, 80–81, 84–5, 93–4, 97, 99, 127, 134, 140, 341–3, 550, 620, 627
Pérez de Guzmán y Zúñiga
Alonso, duke of Medina Sidonia, 140
Gaspar Alfonso, 141
Pernambuco, 169
Perrenot, Antoine, Cardinal Granvelle, 76, 232, 249, 399
Persia, 502–3
Persian Gulf, 157
Peru, 26, 64, 107, 108, 111, 156, 170, 467
Pescara, 43
Peucer, Caspar, 194
Pfalz-Neuburg, Philipp Ludwig of, 587
Pfefferkorn, Johannes, 328
Pfinzing, Paul, 45
Philip II, king of Naples (r. 1554–98), England (jure uxoris, r. 1554–58), Spain (r. 1556–98) and Portugal (1581–98), 11, 109, 123, 147, 152, 192, 211, 261–2, 307, 356, 399, 400, 410–11, 415, 417–30, 467, 484, 504, 507, 538, 560–61, 564, 571–2, 601, 627
Philip III, king of Naples, Spain and Portugal (r. 1598–1621), 571–2, 588
Philip IV, king of Naples and Spain (r. 1621–65) and Portugal (r. 1621–40), 110, 572, 607, 614, 621–2, 625–9
Philip, landgrave of Hesse, 211, 350
Philip (‘the Handsome’), duke of Burgundy (r. 1482–1506), king of Castile and León (1506), 278, 280
Philippines, 26, 233, 467, 470
Philippson von Schleiden (Sleidan), Johannes, 320
Aristotelian, xxvii, 5, 167, 171, 185, 198, 202, 222
chemical, 203–5
empirical, 210
epicurian, 3
magnetic, 199–200
mechanical, 224–5
Platonic, 3
Stoic, 3
See also Descartes, René; Montaigne, Michel de; Neo-Platonism
physiognomy, 169
Piacenza, 571
Pico della Mirandola
Gianfrancesco, 3
Giovanni, 196
Pigafetta, Antonio, 234
‘Pilgrim Fathers’, 679
Pilgrimage of Grace (1536), 93, 98–9
Pilsen, 615
Pínczów, 449
pirates. See corsairs; privateering
Pius IV, Pope (r. 1559–65), 77, 484, 486, 489
Pius V, Pope (r. 1566–72), 10, 405, 487–9, 505, 508, 538
Francisco, 156
Gonzalo, 170
plague, xxviii, 25, 45, 47–50, 57–8
Plancius, Petrus, 231
Plantin, Christophe, 249–50
Plato, 3
Platter, Thomas, 118
Polanco, Juan Alfonso de, 479
Poland. See Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth
Pole, Cardinal, 504
Interim, 451
Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth, 42, 59, 68, 75, 126, 139, 141, 262, 274–5, 379, 382, 411, 448–54, 508, 541–3, 606, 611, 648, 650–54
and advice for princes, 286, 391–2
and overseas expansion, 153–6
and resistance to tyrants, 432–4
female rule, 306
neo-Stoic, 567–570
Polo, Marco, 234
Poltrot de Méré, Jean, 404
poor. See poverty
portents, 204, 254, 299, 335, 492
Port-Royal, 639
Portugal, 22, 154–5, 157, 160, 164, 167, 422–4, 507, 622, 627–9, 640
Postel, Guillaume, 519
Potocki (‘Bearpaw’), Mikołaj, 650
Potosí, 107–8
Prague, 193, 201, 343, 444, 583, 585, 590
Peace of (1635), 616–18
‘Prayer-Book Rebellion’ (1549), 94
preaching, 336, 368, 399, 402, 442
Preisner, Thomas, 381
Presbyterians, 394, 552, 654–5, 659–60, 670–71
Preveza, Battle of (1538), 302
Pride, Colonel Thomas, 671
Prierias, Sylvester. See Mazzolini da Prierio, Silvestro
printing, 2, 32, 118, 188, 229, 235–6, 241, 246–50, 290, 316, 327, 335, 355, 369, 373, 490
privateering, 554, 570, 594, 640
protest, 34, 90–92, 94, 96–7, 99
Protestant Reformation, 5–7, 14, 17, 49, 105, 212, 306, 308, 434, 435, 582
and education, 212
and nationhood, 434–5
and princes, 350
and vernacular languages, 252–3
Eucharistic controversies, 339, 350, 361, 365
impact in eastern-central Europe, 378–83, 498, 574, 582–4
impact in France, 359–61, 369–72
impact in Italy, 356–9
impact in Spain, 353–6
in German lands, 338, 340, 342, 345
in Scandinavia, 350
in Switzerland, 338–342
in the British Isles, 383–86, 455–9
in the Netherlands, 373–78
in the Rhineland, 344, 350, 372–3
Lutheran Reformation in German lands, 345–49
‘Protest’, 345
Provana, Prospero, 245
Provence, 42, 45, 199, 266, 550, 625–6
Providence Island Company, 546, 655
Prynne, William, 657
Patrizi, Francesco, 179
Pueblo, 420
Puerto Rico, 622
Purchas, Samuel, 9
Puritans, 163, 438, 460, 574, 654, 659–60
Pym, John, 656, 658–9, 661, 667–8
Pythagoras, 196
Quevedo, Francesco, 607
Radziwiłł, Nicolas, 380
Raemond, Florimond de, 368
Rákóczi, György I, 591
Rakow, 565
Ramée (Ramus), Pierre de la, 213–14, 235
Ramirez de Prado, Diego, 135
Ramusio, Giovanni Battista, 181
Raphael, 255
Rauwolf, Leonhard, 190
Razilly, François de, 154
‘real character’, 222
Rebstock, Barbara, 372
refugees, 169, 373, 375, 382, 386, 400, 415, 424, 432
Regensburg (Ratisbon), 608
Colloquy (1541), 358
Reis, Murat, 516
Reis, Sulayman [Ivan Dirkie de Veenboer], 516
Rej, Mikołaj, 128
and Christian commonwealths, 14
and Christian missions overseas, 163, 175
and confession, 18
and controversy, 397
and identity, 436
and millenarianism, 35, 56, 97, 162, 172, 204, 299, 360, 372, 376, 501, 677
and patriotism, 526
and pluralism, 19, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448
and polemic, 396–7
and providence, 35
and reason of state, 608
and superstition, 9, 207, 229, 318, 493
and violence, 14
changing meanings of, 18–21, 389
conviction and conformity, 436–9
diversity of religious experience, 318
eschatology, 56
religious orthodoxy, 352–3, 367
rituals and, 436
wars of religion, 394–6
Rembrandt (Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn), 200, 208, 639
Remonstrants, 575
Renaissance, 2–5
Renaudot, Théophraste, 611
representative assemblies, 139, 158, 458, 460, 534, 551, 624, 647
taxation and, 541–5
republic of letters, 2, 188, 227, 229, 241
Requesens, Don Luis de, 413
Reublin, Wilhem, 342
Reuchlin, Johann, 328
Rheinfelden, Battle of (1638), 559, 626, 635
Rhenanus, Beatus, 242
Rheticus, Georg Joachim, 217
Rhodes, 504
Ribeiro, Diogo, 233
Richelieu (Armand du Plessis), Cardinal, 142–3, 206, 512, 549–50, 602, 608, 611, 614, 625, 631–4
Richer de Belleval, Pierre, 187
Ridolfi, Roberto, 424
Riga, 646
Rinuccini, Giovanni Battista, 665
Rio de Janeiro, 162
Ripa, Cesare, 30
‘Rising of the Northern Earls’, 424
Rivet, André, 600
Rocroi, Battle of (1643), 557, 629–30, 636
Roggendorf, Wilhelm von, 303
Rohan, Henri, duke of, 532, 601, 602, 603, 679
Romania, 303
Romanov, Michael, 646
Romans, 95
Rome, 5, 6, 11, 46, 63, 76, 174, 188, 191, 192, 217, 218, 234, 273, 277, 299, 329, 355, 478, 490, 505, 507
Romei, Annibale, 134
Rosicrucians. See Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross
Rostock, 642
Rouen, 68, 370, 371, 404, 550, 639
Rudolf II, archduke of Austria (r. 1576–1612), king of Hungary (r. 1572–1608), Bohemia (r. 1576–1611), emperor (r. 1576–1612), 192–3, 199, 201, 223, 444, 582, 584, 588
Rueil, 638
Ruiz de Montoya, Antonio, 469
Rupert (Ruprecht) ‘of the Rhine’, 590, 666
Ruscelli, Jeronimo, 11
Russia. See Muscovy
Ruthenia. See Ukraine
Ryff, Walter Hermann, 254
Sá, Emmanuel, 433
Saavedra Fajardo, Diego de, 121
Safavijeh Order, 502
Sahagún, Bernardino de, 467
St Blasien, 342
St Gallen, 204
St John, Oliver, 546
St-Germain-en-Laye, 638
St-Omer, 635
St-Quentin, Battle of (1557), 295–6, 402, 417
Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines, 373
Saint-Germain, Peace of (1570), 401, 405
Sales, François de, 483
Salon, 199–200
Salses-le-Château, 626, 627, 635
salt, 175
Salvius, Johan, 676
Sambir, 652
San Domingo, 169
Sancerre, 182
Sánchez de Córdoba, Tomás, 433
Sandomierz Rebellion, 382, 648
Edwin, 9
George, 37
Sangallo, Antonio da, 299
Santa Fé, 470
Santarelli, Antonio, 528
Santillán, Hernando de, 469
São Jorge da Mina (Elmina), 105
São Paulo, 162
Saragossa, Treaty of (1529), 233
Saravia, Adrian, 471
Sarpi, Paolo, 491
Satan, 193–4, 197, 208, 318, 324, 469, 493
Saumur, 600
Sauvetat, 98
Saxe-Weimar, Bernhard of, 142, 558, 616, 625, 635
Saxony, 134, 473, 590, 594–5, 599, 613, 615
Saxton, Christopher, 233
Say and Sele, William Fiennes, Viscount, 655
Scaliger, Julius Caesar, 198
Scandella (Menocchio), Domenico, 29, 237
See also Finland; Norway; Sweden
Schaffhausen, 311
Schappeler, Christoph, 342
Schenkenschans, 625
Schleswig-Holstein, 83
Schlik, Stefán, 380
Schütz, Michael, 205
Schwarz, Matthäus, 243–4
Schwarzenburg, Adam von, 599
Sciarra, Marco, 92
Scotland, 23, 139, 263, 305, 306, 373, 386, 390, 455–9, 543, 654–5, 662, 667, 669–70, 673, 677
Scudder, Henry, 671
Sebes, 303
Sebond, Raymond, 209
Sedan, 636
Séguier, Pierre, 634
seigneurial estates, 79, 80, 82–4
Selim II, Sultan (r. 1566–74), 506
Sens, 403
Serlio, Sebastiano, 228–9
Servet (Servetus), Miguel, 366–7
Seven Years War (1563–70), 524
Seville, 62, 68, 105, 109–10, 169, 548, 594
Seymour, Edward, 1st duke of Somerset, 385
Seyssel, Claude de, 287
Francesco II, duke of Milan (r. 1521–35), 272–3, 292
Ludovico, duke of Milan (r. 1489–1500), 271
Shakespeare, William, 44, 91, 134, 533, 569
shipbuilding, 25
Shirley, Anthony, 627
Shrewsbury, George Talbot, 6th earl of, 113
Sicily, 14, 43, 46, 53, 299, 631
Sickingen, Franz von, 281, 341
Sidney, Sir Philip, 574
Siecienski, Stanislaw, 126
Siena, 294
Sieur, Sir Stephen, 566
Sigismund II Augustus, king of Poland and grand duke of Lithuania (r. 1548–69), 245, 379, 382, 451, 533, 647
Sigismund III Vasa, king of Poland and grand duke of Lithuania (r. 1587–1632) and king of Sweden (r. 1592–99), 126–7, 379, 611, 648
silk, 129, 157, 159, 165, 174, 515
Silva, Juan de, 168
silver, 26–7, 101, 103–4, 105–6, 108–9, 111–12, 175, 549, 640, 677
Siméoni, Gabriel, 291
Simons, Menno, 378
Sixtus V, Pope (r. 1585–90), 77, 429, 490, 532, 535
Skarga, Piotr, 439
slavery, 84, 125, 166–9, 469, 515–17, 520, 653
smallpox, 25
Thomas, 120
Smolensk, 646
Socinianism. See anti-Trinitarianism
Socotra, 157
Sofala, 159
Solon, 3
Solvychegodsk, 177
Somalia, 165
Soubise, Benjamin, duke of, 602
Southwell, 668
sovereignty, 415, 529, 530, 540, 567
Sozzini, Fausto, 359, 382, 450, 452
Sozzini, Lelio, 359
Spain (Spanish Habsburg monarchy), xxvii, 22, 27, 44, 47–8, 68, 109, 111, 135, 152, 171, 417–26, 489, 496, 548–9, 650, 664
See also Charles V; Philip III; Philip IV
Spanish Netherlands, 622, 626, 633, 635, 642
Spenser, Edmund, 124
Speroni, Sperone, 251
Spiegel, Adriaan van de, 188
Spínola, 109
Stadtlohn, 593
Stancaro, Francesco, 450
Stapleton, Thomas, 459
Starace, Vincenzo, 95
Starkey, Thomas, 54
state, 109, 111–12, 174, 529–30, 533, 538, 540–51, 550
and diplomacy, 560–63
and economic rivalries between, 36
and international conflicts, 523–5
and nobility, 138–40
and social discipline, 20
and subcontractors, 36, 525–6, 548–9
justice and, 538–40
Staupitz, Johann, 324
Stefan Batory, voivode (later prince) of Transylvania (1571–86) and king of Poland and grand duke of Lithuania (1576–86), 649
Stockholm, 611
Storch, Niclas, 337
Stralendorf, Peter Heinrich von, 598
Stralsund, siege of (1628), 604
Strasbourg, 87, 114, 212, 222, 236, 299, 320, 360, 372, 378, 465, 610
Stuart, Henry, Lord Darnley, 305
Stuhmsdorf, Truce of (1635), 617
Sturm, Johann, 212
Stuttgart, 205
Styria, 587
Suffren, Jean, 608
Suleiman I, Sultan (‘the Magnificent’, r. 1520–66), 10, 11, 298, 299, 520
Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, duke of, 115, 579
sumptuary legislation, 128
Sunda, Strait of, 157
surveying, 44–5
Swabia, 45
Sweden, 45, 47, 139, 142, 211, 542, 591, 596, 597, 605–19, 628, 646, 654, 680
Switzerland, 71, 136, 310–11, 440
swords, 133
diocesan, 487
Emden (1571), 400
Paris (1559), 402
Poitiers (1561), 402
Wesel (1568), 400
Szekler, 498
Szödfalva, Battle of (1527), 302
Tabriz, 502
Tacitus, 528, 531, 536, 558, 568, 639
Talbot, Edward, 201
Tasso, Torquato, 124
Tatars, 23, 31, 176, 263, 381, 508–9, 649, 653
Tate, Nahum, 59
Tavistock, 656
Franz von, 244
Johann Baptiste von, 245
Temesvar, 497
Tetzel, Johann, 329
Texcoco, 470
textiles, 85–7, 103, 129, 165, 513
Theatines, 357
theology, 209, 211, 225, 318, 323, 486, 493
Thérouanne, 295
Thevet, André, 192
Thibault, Girard, 133
Thirty Years War, 21–3, 33–7, 47, 56–7, 81, 83, 142, 180, 202, 205, 224, 524, 532, 543–51, 553, 619, 620, 644, 646, 656, 675–6, 680
Thou, Jacques-Auguste de, 564–5, 569
Throckmorton, Francis, 424
Thucydides, 528
Thurgau, 440
Thurn, Heinrich Matthias, Count, 588, 589
Thurzó, Count György, 238
Tilly, Johann Tserclaes, Count, 590, 592, 593, 597, 613
Time of Troubles, (1598–1613, the smuta), 85, 175, 644–6
Tintoretto (Jacopo Comin), 507
Titian (Tiziano Vecellio), 29–30, 348
tobacco, 190
Tobol’sk, 174
Tokaj, Battle of (1527), 302
Toledo, Pedro de, 299
Tolfa, 513
Tolosa, Juan de, 105
Tordesillas, Treaty of (1494), 233
Torgau, Articles of (1530), 345
Torquemada, Juan de, 181
Torstensson, Lennart, 556, 559, 619
Toul, 643
Toulon, 304
towns, 34, 51–2, 56, 66–8, 69–72, 85–7, 177, 238, 620
trade, 26, 27, 112, 116–17, 157, 159, 165, 167, 174–5, 177, 244
Transylvania, 298, 379, 382, 390, 497–8, 508–10, 680
Transylvanus, Maximilianus, 232
Trauttsmansdorff, Maximilian von, 641–2
Tremellius (Tremellio), Immanuel, 385
Trent, Council of, 8, 482, 484–7, 489
Trento, Jean-Baptiste, 397
Tresham, Thomas, 462
Trier, 616
Trinitarians, 517
Trip, Elias, 556
Tripoli, 516
Trubar, Primož, 380
Tschernembl, Georg Erasmus von, 585
Tübingen, 381
Turenne, Henri de La Tour d’Auvergne, Viscount, 635
Turin, 296
Turks. See Ottoman empire
Turnham Green, 667
Turquet de Mayerne, Théodore, 59
Turriano, Juanelo, 223
Tuscany, 36, 46, 53, 77, 192, 262, 294, 540
Twelve Year Truce (1609), 564, 567, 570, 575
Tyndale, William, 384
tyranny, 392, 402, 407, 411, 429, 433
Tyrone, earls of, 146
Udayamperoor (Diamper), 164
Ukraine (Ruthenia), 23, 84, 173, 448, 453, 644–5, 648–50, 652–3
Ullmann, Jeremias, 676
Ulm, 41
Ulrich, duke of Württemberg, 341, 346, 463
Umbria, 53
Union of Lublin (1569), 262
Unitarians. See anti-Trinitarianism
United Provinces. See Dutch Republic
universities, 210–13
Urban VIII, Pope (r. 1622–44), 189, 220, 491
urbanized regions, 52, 66, 68, 238
Urbino, 478
Utrecht, 551
Union of (1579), 415
vacuum, 186
Vair, Guillaume du, 569
Alfonso de, 355
Valdivia, Pedro de, 421
Valenciennes, 398
Valla, Lorenzo, 308
Valois, François, duc d’Alençon, duke of Anjou, 561
Van De Venne, Adriaen, 570
Van der Heyden, Gaspar, 232
Vasconcelos, Miguel de, 628
Vázquez de Leca, Mateo, 538
Vázquez, Fernando, 417
Vega, Lope de, 139
Velasco, Luis de, 420
Velázquez, Diego, 623
Venice, 5, 30, 46, 77, 88, 117–18, 136, 218, 244, 299, 356, 451, 478–9, 491, 500, 507, 513, 527, 543, 562, 576, 578
Venier, Sebastiano, 507
Vera Cruz, 156
Verden, 596
Vermeer, Johannes, 26
Vermigli, Peter Martyr, 180, 358, 385
Verona, 360
Vervaux, Johannes, 607
Vervins, Peace of (1598), 504, 564
Vesalius, Andreas, 200, 214, 254
Vestiarian Controversy, 460
via moderna, 324
Viau, Théophile de, 439
Vicars, John, 462
Vienna, 10–12, 193, 298, 301, 444, 587, 589, 599
Viète, François, 563
Vigenère, Blaise de, 102
Villiers, George, duke of Buckingham, 537
Vilnius, 452–3
Vinckboons, David, 57
Vio, Tommaso de (Cardinal Cajetan), 331
violence, 15–16, 30, 92, 95, 129, 139, 146, 162, 401–4, 431–2
Viret, Pierre, 432
‘Visitandines’, 483
Viteazul, Michael (‘Michael the Brave’), 509
Vitelleschi, Muzio, 607
Vitoria, Francisco de, 153, 167, 168
Vivonne, François de, sieur de la Châtaigneraie, 134
Vladislaus II (‘Vladislaus Jagiellon’), king of Bohemia (r. 1471–1516) and Hungary (r. 1490–1516), 264, 280
Vogtherr, Heinrich, 254
Volkertszoon, Jan, 376
Vries, David Peterszoon de, xxv–xxvi
Waasenaar, 436
Waldseemüller, Martin, 231
Waldshut, 342
Wales, 670
Wallenstein, Albrecht von, 558, 594–5, 597–9, 604, 607, 612, 614–15, 618, 646
Walsingham, Francis, 393, 397, 574
Walther, Johann, 675
Ward, Mary, 483
Warsaw, Confederation of (1573), 379
Wentworth, Thomas, earl of Strafford, 131, 146, 537, 657, 662
Assembly, 667
Treaty of (1518), 270
Westphal, Joachim, 207
Westphalia, Peace of (1648), 33, 476, 504, 549, 561, 609, 636, 639, 641–3, 676
Whitaker, Jeremiah, 676
White Mountain (1620), Battle of the, 252, 590
Whitgift, John, 461
Wilhelm V, duke of Bavaria (r. 1579–97), 334, 347
Wilkins, John, 222
Willcock, John, 455
Willem Frederick, prince of Nassau-Dietz, 641
Wilhelm IV, duke of Saxony-Weimar (r. 1620–62), 593
Willem II, prince of Orange (r. 1647–50), 640
William (‘the Silent’), prince of Orange (r. 1544–80), 400, 411
William IV, duke of Cleves, 292
Williams, Roger, 557
Willoughby, Sir Hugh, 177
Winslow, Edward, 152
Treaty of (1636), 617
Wisniowiecki, Jeremi, 650
witchcraft, 492–5
Hans de, 595
Jakob de, 640
Johan de, 640
Wittenberg, 321–3, 331, 336–7, 381
Władyslaw IV, king of Poland and grand duke of Lithuania (r. 1632–48), tsar of all the Rus (r. 1610–13), 646, 648, 650
Wolfath, Antoine, 608
Wolfenbüttel, 73
Wolfgang of Bavaria, duke of Zweibrücken, 447
Wolsey, Thomas, 269–70
women, 51–3, 86, 127, 188, 238, 304–7, 482, 483
Woodshawe, Edward, 511
Worms, 245
Treaty of (1521), 282
Christoph, duke of (r. 1550–68), 367
Ulrich, duke of (r. 1503–50), 282
Xanten, Peace of (1614), 566
Xavier, St Francis, 164, 223, 255, 468, 470
Yakupoglu Hizir (‘Redbeard’), 263, 303
York, 655
Yorkshire, 63
Ypres, 636
Zacatecas, 105
Zamora, 353
Zamoyski, Jan, 141
Zaporozhian Sich, 649
Zell, Matthias, 327
Zembroth, Gallus, 675
Žerotín, Karl, 587
Zhotvi Vody, Battle of (1648), 651
Zimmern, Christoph von, 130
Zollikon, 342
zoology, 189
Zoroaster, 196
Zsitvatorok, Peace of (1606), 508, 564, 566
Zuccaro, 255
Zumarshausen, Battle of (1648), 635
Zúñiga y Requesens, Pedro, 627
Zurbarán, Francisco de, 622
Zürich, 203, 311, 314, 327, 338–41, 344, 359, 365–6, 373
Zwinger, Theodor, 235